Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Just When Things Were Good, Here We Go Again

Lisa’s Colitis Story:

Hi, call me lisa. I’ve had ulcerative colitis since I was 21 and pregnant with our second. I thought I was losing the baby. I was running to the bathroom to see blood and all that other wonderful stuff floating in the toilet. With pain that I never felt before – oh yeah, somethings wrong with the baby and me. This all happened in one day. In about two hours I’m being driven by my sister in law to the doctors, who urgently sent me downstairs to a gastro. After a few tests, in he came, “well Lisa, you have ulcerative colitis”.

I asked him what kind of antibiotics will I be on? (thinking u.c. was a name for an infection)

No, this is a disease…than he explained.

Now 20 years later I’ve been the roller-coaster time and time again. Two years after I was diagnosed, I started to bodybuild, yea while being on prednisone and everything else. I’m married to a bodybuilder, and I knew that I need to resist cravings and sweat everyday to keep the moon face away. That prednisone believe it or not was what got me psyched everyday to have killer workouts. I just learned to channel all the crazy ass predisone head trip “pissed at the world, don’t f with me” at the gym. I ate clean, most of the time and gained ten pounds everytime i had to go on prednisone. Well now I’m flared again and the doctor just put me on 40mgs I’m gonna try and psyche myself up eat clean as possible, wish me luck.

I don’t think I’m ready for “the” operation yet,

and I really don’t wanna try remicade.

I’d rather have acne for a little while, some hair-loss, sicko cravings 24/7 , a beard, nightmares, insomnia, workout harder than a normal woman has to!!!… than try anything else, I think I really am not sure what to do about this anymore. When it goes away for 6 months life is amazing only to visit you again. When its not present I’m glad i never got the “bag”. Well, there it is in a nutshell!

Colitis Medications:

prednisone usually calms it down immediatley, side effects are crazy. Ive tried pentasa, asacol, immurane… in my head I feel like prednisones side effects are all I can deal with. Ive tried the others mentioned without pred. and they didn’t do squat but gave me acne and hairloss. I have something with my hair its massive and wild out of control hair. When I lose it like anyone else it sucks! It always ends up half of what I have. It always grows back great only until the next time! If I take anymore meds with prednisone  I’m scarred Ill go bald- for real!

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