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Indian 25 Years Old with Ulcerative Colitis

Diya P f

Diya Patel
25 years old. Born and raised in India.
Moved to Chicago when I was about 8 years old.
I have a BS in Health Science.
I was diagnosed with UC 5 months ago.
I’ve been in India for over two months trying alternative medicine along with prednisone and Masalmine.

Some more background:

I’m looking to get MS in nutrition. I love photography and sadly, eating out!

Colitis Symptoms…

I’m currently in the middle of my second (but not as bad as first) flare up. I was prednisone for two months (40mg till 5mg). 10 days after I stopped I had this second flare up. I started started following SCD diet 5 days into my second flare up. I feel much better. However, I’m gassy,there is a few drops of blood, pain before and after loo-visits (9-10 times a day) there is pain in my right abdoman, sharp shooting pain from right underarm running across my chest till the center (occasionally while I’m on steroids). There is a red flesh-like stuff that I notice in the toilet once in a while. What is that stuff? Anything I need to worry about?

Diya’s Colitis Story:

I am a simple 25yo who loves her parents, eating out, and has aspiration in life. UC changed alot of it. I got married in February 2015 and moved in with my husband and his family in Arkansas. I started working as a nutrition assistant almost right after I moved in. Marriage is stressful, life changed, my diet changed too (my in-laws eat spicier than I did) Three months after I moved in I started feeling bloated, gassy and had constant diarrhea. I went to my PCP who gave me flagyl after suspecting a C.Diff infection (which I was later tested negative). At this point I had bloody diarrhea, cramping and the usual UC stuff. Then, I saw a GI who put me on lialda and did a colonoscopy. I wasn’t doing too well so I decided to temporarily move back to India. Here, I rest and meditate. My parents take great care of me, take me to hospitals and are as scared as I am. They are trying everything they can to find a magic pill that can cure me. They a re taking longer to accept that UC is for life. There is no going back. However, ayurveda provides assurance that it’s treatable so they are hopeful. I am going to have faith in everything they want to try. Currently, I’m doing much better than I was 5 months ago (and much better than a lot of people of this community) but I miss eating and I’m really confused. I dont know what I can eat or not eat especially since I am a vegetarian and I’m in India. Anyone out here who is a vegetarian, in India it would be great to have some questions answered as to what to eat and how to live with UC and if any alternative medicine has been helpful.


I’m new to this, havnt really tried a whole lot yet, but I’m going to try various alternative medicine like Ayurveda.

written by Diya

submitted in the colitis venting area

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