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In Need of a Recommendation – What’s the Deal Doctor?


56 year old male
Left sided Ulcerative Colitis since 1978, (diagnosed 2003)

Colitis Symptoms:

Right now I am under control. I just got the latest results 2/20/12 of a colonoscopy. That indicated the severe inflammation on the left side has now spread to the right.

When I have a flare up, I basically am confined to the house and go from my bed to the bathroom about 25-30 times a day. Cramping.


I have been living with this for most of my adult life and was only recently in 2003 diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Left sided UC which is now beginning to affect my right side as well.

I am in need of a recommendation of a doctor in or around the Hunterdon County area who specializes in IBS, left sided Ulcerative colitis.

I went to the NEW GI doc and just got back the results of my colonoscopy (0n 2/20). Had meeting yesterday  with doc.

When I suggested that she (doc) tell me the results of my test(s) instead of having an LPN call and tell me of a cyst on my pancreas.

She told me that I should see another GI doc and referred me to someone an hour away. So she is very good (I think) but a prima donna.

It was revealed that my severe left sided colitis (chronic active inflammation) is now showing signs of irritation on the right side.

Suggestion to begin Remicade and 6MP.

So here I am feeling okay and under control. Being dumped by this doc and referred out. Looking for a GI doc in central New Jersey, USA, with experience. with UC.

Any thoughts / suggestions would be appreciated.

So if isn’t a lab or doctors office screwing of the spelling of a name then there is the doctor who is just too busy to talk to a patient and pawns off that to administrative assistant or LPN.

It is too much to ask to be treated like a person and have the slightest hope for a “normal” life.

I was very sick up until about 6 months ago when I stopped taking Arthrotec an anti inflammatory for joint pain. Once I got off that I started to see much better results from the Asacol and VSL. Normal bowel movements and only 2x a day.

Since my last colonoscopy it appears that the inflammation has progressed.

So what I’m seeking is what have others found to be helpful in terms of long term care and treatment.

Remicade vs Imuran ?
I just had my 15th colonoscopy. While I was still waking up the doc was talking to me, all I heard was remicade, resection, and cancer. So needless to say I am anxiously waiting for pathology to come back and have the talk with the doc. Remicade has been mentioned to me before and because of the “long term” plan with this I have put it off.

Short of having a resection or a J pouch has anyone had real results and what did you do to achieve them?

As someone who has lived with this debilitating problem, the embarrassment, pain, discomfort, explaining this to others family and friends why I can or can not attend certain events. `

Colitis Medications:

Asacol HD(800mg) 3/2x a day, Cotifoam 10mg as needed
VSL#3 2x a day

 written by Jim S

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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