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I’m Making SCD Yogurt: Colitis Flare…Get Ready!!

Where is the Yogurt Making Machine?

How many people have made their own homemade yogurt at home?  I’m not the only one who is trying this to fight the creepy colitis symptoms right?  Although December 26th is not nearly as exciting as other days of the month.  It is the most exciting day of the month for me this year.  Tomorrow is the scheduled arrival date for my Waring Pro YM350 Professional Yogurt Maker.  I have been tracking it down at as of right now, it looks like its going to arrive on-time.  I wrote to the shipper and asked if there was anyway they could get it here early, since this past weekend would have been the greatest time to sit back and make some Specific Carbohydrate Diet(SCD) YOGURT for the first time ever, but they replied it is way too busy with all the other presents being shipped right now.  The yogurt starter packages have already arrived, so I’m all good to go with that “Culture de Yogourt” from Le Groupe Vachon, sounds like a French company to me right?

I’m Having a Colitis Flare…Why Am I So Excited?

This past week has been one of those super strange colitis symptom weeks.  Something like it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…  Just about one week ago, I somehow came up with a Guinness Book Worthy RHBM(Rock Hard Bowel Move).  That’s right just about a week ago.  And then right away everything started hitting the fan(I thought my UC flare was gone several weeks ago too…weird).  It almost seemed like one of the late night “Unsolved Mysteries” shows with Robert Stack.  I just have never thought it would be possible to go from feeling great to seeing decent amounts of blood and having cramping and a bit of pain in under a week.  Well, I think the end of 2010 has given me a new found respect for Ulcerative Colitis.  I definitely don’t like UC anymore knowing how powerful it is, but it has shown a few more cards to me lately.

It’s Alright, Have Some Colitis, Cause It’s Alright:

To sum up the flare I’m in right now, I would give it a 4 on the 1-10 scale where 1 is “feeling normal” and 10 is the 20 bleeding nasty craps per day.  So, at the end of the day, things could be, and have previously in months past been much worse.  But I want to feel normal again, and soon would be nice too right!   I want to put back on some weight and get on with life in 2011.  I want to answer that things are “Alright” or even better than that when people ask this coming year.

Really, I want to be able to start making up some tasty SCD legal yogurt and start mixing in some strawberries and other stuff, maybe adding it to morning smoothies.  You get the picture right.  I want to get back on the bike, doing some nice rides, seeing some muscles growing, not muscles getting….. I hoping that the yogurt will come out nice and tasty, be full of some good stuff my body is lacking, and who knows… Definitely I have reluctantly avoided making the SCD yogurt for way too long, I guess it boils down to me being too lazy.

One thing that is for sure is that Elaine Gottschall who wrote the SCD diet book “Breaking the Vicious Cycle” made a great big deal about eating homemade yogurt.  Many others who follow the SCD diet for ulcerative colitis have had success with the yogurt.  So that is the main reason why I’m so excited on this 26th day of December.  I’ve got a pretty good feeling that things are already going in the right direction(strange how 9 1/2 hour WABM(without a bowel movement)) can do that to you.  But right now, I’m most excited to start making up some yogurt.

Who Else Is Making SCD Yogurt Out There?

Has anyone got any great advice for making up yogurt? Or some great SCD yogurt recipes?  Has anyone had bad ulcerative colitis reactions to yogurt?  What the heck should a newbie to home yogurt making be aware of? I’m all ears, and would really like any feedback.  My newest UC’er friend Valerie who I’ve been emailing with has told me to make sure and take it very easy with the quantity inhaled the first few days.  She has recommended to take only a partial teaspoon for a while until I’m surely comfortable with the yogurt.  She also suggested to maybe try the goats milk as the main ingredient instead of cow’s milk if there seems to be some bad reactions.  I’ve heard that before actually, but man the goat’s milk isn’t cheap where I shop.  Let me know if you have any great insights with yogurt and your ulcerative colitis.  Thanks, Adam (Amateur Yogurt Dude, with a side order of UC flare right now)

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