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I Was Kick Boxing When I Was Diagnosed with Colitis

Zoey out having fun

Me out having a good time.


I’m 31 years old.  I’m a stay at home mum from Bristol and largely enjoy kick boxing and keeping fit.

Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis early January 2013 but all symptoms started 6 years ago, after being diagnosed all problems made sense.

Some more about me:

I do kick boxing when I can. I keep as fit an healthy as possible.  I enjoy swimming an love spend time snuggled up with my children.


Rumbling stomach an guts I feel sick as I type now like my belts full of bile I get painful wind an quick loose mucusy bowel movements.  No blood atm (at the moment) but it comes an goes.  I no I need the loo when I get a pain that sends me doubled up then the sudden urge to go is immense.

Looking to Share with Colitis People Who Understand

My name’s Zoey,

For years I thought an was told I had IBS or piles was given lots of things to help which never worked.  After years of complaining I got a colonoscopy.  Having being petrfied I had cancer I was just relieved it revealed I had UC.  I was so happy it just wasn’t cancer even though I didn’t know what this was.

I started reading up.. And everything I read about it all made sense.  The constant feeling I never slept well enough, I was always tired, my headaches from always being anemic, my hip hurting from brittle bones, the pains, the urgency for the loo, not wanting to eat, and realizing I’d have to live with this forever.

It suddenly hit home: this could get worse, will this control me?

I was kick boxing when I was diagnosed and realized I might not be able to do it.  The blows to my stomach crippled me even just holding the pads but I pushed through.  Even in remission I was drained. I stopped.  I plan to return and take it steady, I won’t let this dictate my decisions. I will work it round my life not my life around it I couldn’t function thinking that way.

Still finding it hard to understand what it all means, what I should or shouldn’t do?

Will I one day need a colostomy bag, this scares the hell out of me.

I feel like I should just announce it on Facebook so no one thinks I’m odd when I double up for a bit in agony then I’m fine again or cuz I’m tired.  They would understand only a few.  So I just feel like blurting it out but worry people think I’m exaggerating it or looking for attention.  I don’t no you feel alone with this condition, even my partner who knows me so well I think he just can’t grasp how hard some things can be for me how draining simple things are. I dunno lol


I’ve only tried sulofalk granuals they seem to be stopping the blood but not the mucus or pain of wind an poo moving down.  Any other starting off meds that could be recommended would help

written by Zoey

submitted in the colitis venting area

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