Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

I See, UC, We All Have UC

Meet Emma:
I’m 24 and was diagnosed with UC 6 months ago. In Fall of 2010, I suffered with mild UC symptoms I thought were related to a parasite I might have picked up that summer in Ecuador. After a year of being on antibiotics and anti-parasitics, I had a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with Ulcerative Proctitis, UC only affecting my rectum.
Cramping in my upper left abdomen, bloody stool, loose BMs, severe gas and bloating, fatigue, severe headaches, skin sores/lesions

Emma’s Colitis Story:

After I was diagnosed, I was relieved and scared. I have an aunt who died of colon cancer, and I’m worried that I could get cancer if I don’t control my symptoms soon. I lead a very natural life, and I DON’T like taking medication for anything, so I was frustrated when multiple doctors insisted that prednisone was the only way to go. I refused to take the prednisone. I had one doctor put me on hydrocortisone enemas, but those have not helped. I have read a lot about gluten worsening UC symptoms and probiotics being helpful for controlling them, so lately I have been experimenting with diet by recording everything I eat.

It’s been very difficult and embarrassing, but I’ve been open and honest with my family and close friends about my condition. My family and partner are very supportive and empathetic. My father researched Chinese remedies and found articles saying that Astragalus root is beneficial, so I drink Astragalus tea. My boyfriend is convinced that gelatinous soup is beneficial for rebuilding the gut (GAPS diet, Weston A. Price), so I eat soup a lot. I love my family and friends, but I wish they didn’t have to worry about how I’m feeling all the time. I don’t like being “sick”, so I pretend that I’m doing well even when I’m not. I also have trouble finishing medications and diet plans. I am not very regimented about those kinds of things.

I am concerned that my boyfriend could be contracting symptoms. He’s complained about cramping and loose stools, which is how my UC started back in 2010. I read a paper saying that UC is communicable. Is it possible for family members to contract symptoms?

I am glad to find a place where so many people are talking about this and sharing their story.

Thank you for the support!

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:
I’d like to be blood-in-toilet free and celebrating being symptom-free
Colitis Medications:
I’ve taken antibiotics and anti-parasitics. The antibiotics helped control the symptoms for a few months. Hydrocortisone enemas, which I’m just finishing now, have not helped control the symptoms very well (I had 2 good days in a 30 day course).

written by Emma
submitted in the colitis venting area

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