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HELP! New to UC and Flare-Ups!


a picture of Tiernee with someone speicial:)

29 year old single, working, educating herself, mother. Diagnosed Spring 2011. However have been on Asacol since 2008 since an eschemic bowel episode and run-in with a parasite during pregnancy. Wanting to get off all medication, achieve remission, and enjoy a bacon double cheese bar-burger when the fancy strikes.

The Colitis Experience So Far:

Hi Adam and All,

I am new to UC and flare-ups. During pregnancy in 2008 I had an eschemic bowel episode and was put on Asacol to help heal the 25cm of blackened colon. (perhaps anecdotal-I then got Cryptosporidium (a parasite) in the last two months of my pregnancy). I did not understand why I had to continue to take the Asacol as I thought my colon should have been healed. For two years I experimented tapering off and was not successful. I found a doctor who was willing to experiment and I went off the Asacol completely last spring 2011 and was miserable for months until the doc agreed to do a colonoscopy and biopsy and found that I did indeed have UC. I started the Asacol again and have not fully recovered to normal bowel movements. My son and I recently got a stomach flu bug or something which has totally set my colon off. My son was better the next day and me, after a 12 day prednisone taper and negative microbial stool samples I am still miserable….

Advice for eating/nutrition during flare-ups? Adam-I noticed in your smoothie post that you do not consume them during flare-ups? What do you consume?? I am at a loss. I am barely eating (bananas, soymilk, VSL#3, and ramen noodles-sometimes eggs- and often, chicken broth with quinoa and seaweed and tuna) and getting very weak and tired. I have to hold down a full-time high-stress job, mother an active 3 almost 4 year old, and take part-time classes to advance my career to support this diagnosis and my son.

It is my intentions to eventually get off drugs and have been looking into different diets and yoga and exercise routines. I just can’t shake this flare though!

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Colitis Medications:

Asacol usually works

Lialda was very expensive and didn’t see the same results as Asacol

recent 12-day prednisone taper-eh

VSL#3-just started this a couple days ago…

I take tons of vitamins….women’s-multi, Selenuim, Vit E, Vit D, super B’s, super Omega’s, cod liver oil, tumeric, garlic–all mostly organic from health nut stores

also experimenting with Aloe Juice (the inner fillet) with this flare



So thankful for your time,


submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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