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Giving in to Biologics

lane pictureSome background:

My wife and I enjoy CrossFit, mountain biking greenbelt trails around Austin, traveling. We did some fundraising for Team challenge CCFA and ran the 1/2 marathon in Vegas Nov 2013


Nothing major

Giving in to Biologics

Hello, my name is Lane and I live in Austin, Tx. I have been married to my wonderful, supportive bride since April of 2008. I have a 14 year old daughter and 6 year old boxer. I’m a manufacture sales rep and sell HVAC products and have been doing this job for 19 years. It’s a very hectic, fast paced job and the stress level can be very high at times. I try to work out 4-5 days a week doing CrossFit. We eat mostly Palo diet and gluten free. However we are not strict to this all the time.

I started having symptoms in October of 2012. By February 2013 going into my colonoscopy I was pretty sure I had cancer. I was going to the bathroom several times through the night and frequently during the day with urgency. Most the time this involved being bent over on the toilet with abdominal pain and just blood production. Scary stuff…

Colonoscopy revealed left side UC. I don’t remember exactly but I think it was in the 30-40 cm range. Dr started me on Lialda and after a few weeks I was not having much improvement. Next visit I switched to Apriso and we stated talking about Prednisone. But at this time I was very reluctant to get on Pred because of the horrible side effects I had read about. Weeks later I surrendered to the Pred and this started a years’ worth of roller coaster tapering on and off Pred as I tried Mesalamine Enema (not a fan), Asacol, and Azathioprine. I actually respond very well to Pred with little to no bad side effects. However, I realize this is not a permeant solution.

Fast forward end of March of 2014 and I was admitted into hospital with DVT and pulmonary embolisms. (8-10 clots made it to my lung) Had about a week of strange symptoms before I finally decided to go and check it out. Strangely enough not real big flare at the time this all happened. But now it’s time to get serious about getting this UC under control.

April of 2014 and I started discussing biologics with GI as it appeared I was Prednisone dependent. Over the last year while trying the different meds I would start at 40mg Pred get into remission and begin the slow taper. I could get down to about 7mg but below that blood, frequency and urgency would come back.

In June 2014 I started taking Humira. Absolute miracle drug for me. Off Pred and maintaining remission. Within a couple of weeks everyone I ran into would say “have you been in the sun?” Uh, not more than usual. By December 2014 my face started peeling. By end of January 2015 I made an appointment with my dermatologist as my face was peeling off, cracking and bleeding behind my ears and red spots and rashes over my body. Got some good prescription lotions that have definitely helped but not cured the situation.

Due to the skin reactions I have made the decision to switch to Simponi. Took my first shot February 12th. Fingers crossed and good Lord willing this will be the one….

I currently take Azahioprine (200mg per day), Simponi (after loading dose,100mg 1x/month) and VSL#3 DS (daily)

I really have not been able to identify any food or beverage that sets me off with the exception of diary. I avoid milk and ice-cream. But cheese even queso is fine?

Just wanted to share my UC life so far as I have enjoyed this site and following other folk’s battles and successes.

Good luck to you all and praying for cure soon.

Philippians 4:13


Side note, before starting the Prednisone I did attempt a very clean diet, gluten free, no alcohol or process sugars. It did not improve my condition or get me into remission and I submitted to the drugs.

written by Lane

submitted in the colitis venting area

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