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Flaring Like Some Boot Cut Jeans

Kyle with his wife

me and my wife!

Greetings all my UC peeps!

How are all of you doing this fine and lovely day to be alive? Can’t complain here, well I guess that’s a little bit of a fib as I am currently dealing with a pretty brutal UC flare : ( What’s crazy is since beginning my blogging here on Ihaveuc.come I have not been able to blog about a flare because since last August’s crazy flare/c.diff battle, I have really had a solid grip on the UC life.

So on the amazing side of things, my wife and I just recently moved to a new city where we were both given full-time jobs. Praise the Lord! But I guess one of the downsides of moving to a brand new city and starting a brand new full-time job is that it can rise the nerve level on life a little bit and I think that pushed me over to the flaring side of life.

So it all started about 3 weeks ago, I started noticing that I was having loose bowel movement in the afternoon. During the morning BM’s I was seeing a little unformed but for the most part they were formed and solid. For about two weeks I was averaging about two BM’s a day. Like I said morning was usually looking good but afternoon was usually D style.

I dialed everything back on the SC diet and restarted the intro diet. I downloaded the phase list off the SCDlifestyle web-site and had been following closely to that. Adding one food every two days and making sure to note if anything triggered any type of symptoms. Things were not improving, started seeing a little more blood and the urgency in the afternoon was increasing. I have been noticing that I have been losing weight, I have not been weighing myself because I am trying not to get worried but I am noticing my legs and arms are losing size. The cramping has not been as intense as it has been in prior flares but my lower left side does always let me know it’s there but it is not keeping me up at night.

So after the increase in blood I decided it may be time to make a phone call to the GI. He advised me to start taking Lialda and if things didn’t clear up in the week that I may need to add a steroid to kick things. He had given me some samples of Uceris and advised me to start up on those if things didn’t improve. Lialda has never been effective for me but I am following the GI’s orders and have started the Uceris.

The first day after taking the Uceris, I noticed one of my best morning BM’s in the last couple weeks, which was followed by one of my worst BM’s that afternoon, noticeable blood in the bowl and on the TP. The following day was much of the same, increasing from 2 to 4 BM’s that day with no form and a red tint in the bowl after BMs.

So now what right? I am scaling the diet way back, living on the intro for the next 3 days and making sure that I stay fully hydrated. I will be calling my GI this week to get his opinion on things once his office opens. But I feel like I gain so much wisdom from you all so please feel free to comment and answer questions with your opinions or advice.

1. Has anyone had any experience with Uceris? What is your feelings on it? Did you see improvements? What was the timeline before you started seeing change?

2. I feel as though I am following the SCD step-by-step but am not getting much love from it, what are your thoughts on coming out of a flare using the SCD?

3. Obviously work is a huge concern of mine but I want to make sure I am being wise concerning my health, not putting anything before it, what advice do you have for working during a flare? Any tricks or tips that can hold off the urgency or D to get you through the day?

4. Medications and SCD? Do they mix or not? Noticed that there are some illegals in the medicines, is that an issue with SCD?

Hope you all are doing well. Don’t worry I am fighting. I am trusting the Lord to bring about healing of this flare, believing in faith that He will bring about a healing once again. I am thankful for the grace that I have in Jesus and am confident in His provision and hand upon my life.



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