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Definitely have Work to do, But back to my Happy Self!

My name is Annie, I’m 22 and just recently posted up my story about being at my wits end with my 6-7 month flare with colitis! Giving a little update…

The Update:

So, since I last wrote in, I am now sitting in the hospital being treated for my very severe Ulcerative Colitis flare. Not pretty! My husband basically tricked me into going to the ER (I hate doctors/hospitals as I have yet to meet any that do much but push meds at me without any other advice, etc..) I was admitted on Thursday, had another colonoscopy and whatever those are called when they look down your throat into your stomach… After seeing the incredibly disturbing pictures of my colon, I refuse to keep going on the way I have! As soon as I get this flare a little bit into control and go home, I am starting the SCD diet! :) I hope to share the success that many of you mention on this website!

The reason I was getting the stomach pain and throwing up is because they beleive I have an H. pylori infection after finding gastritis during my procedure. Will start antibiotics for that once the results come back. I am also now being re-treated with strong doses of solumedrol, so far seem to be working (definitely less blood, and going much more less often! Hoorayyy!) but I know I can’t keep going this way with all these crappy meds! Steroid side effects= no bueno but until I get home and can start the SCD diet, I am making do.

I would like to thank you all for all your great advice, and say that I have such a better outlook on this whole thing! I am back to my usual great mood, even being stuck in the hospital… be it from now knowing I have a greaet group of people to get advice from, Adam’s funny videos, (You have been cracking me up and really giving me some much-needed entertainment while in the hospital!) or the fact that I am incapable of staying down in the dumps about something for very long!! And man, walking around the hospital floor and seeing all the other patients that have it so much worse off than I has also really put things into perspective..:/

I can’t wait to start the SCD diet and let you all know how it’s going! But Oh boy that chocolate will be hard to let go of though… Being French Canadian, I grew up eating sweets, baked goods and desert after every meal. Except maybe breakfast.:).. My sweet tooth has definitely decreased over the years but still need that chocolate fix every once in a while!!! :)

Hope to get out of the hospital Monday… my awful GI (won’t even get into the newest issues that have happened with this lady again ugh) wants to meet with me Monday and plan on started the stronger meds. Truth is though I’m terified! Hopefully I can just keep doing the steroids, start the diet and get things under control! :D

Boy am i a blabber mouth! Having nothing else to do but scan the web and watch TV in this tiny room doesn’t help either.. :)

All my best!


Annie’s story is now entered into the 2011 Ulcerative Colitis Writing Contest!!!

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