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Checking in After 4 Months on SCD and Need a Boston-based Gastro-Doc


I am 52, live in the Boston area, was first diagnosed with UC at age 30. Have had 4-5 flairs since diagnosis and now I am just over one year of active UC. I believe job stress was the culprit but things have improved on the life front, so I am hopeful.

Some more about me:

Prior to the current flair I would run occasionally, work out and surf in the spring and fall. It has been hard to do any of these, so I am hopeful to get back to it.


Currently, I am at a 4 out of 10. Prior to going on Prednizone last fall I was an 7-8 and then for a time after stopping Prednizone I was pretty bad. Now after 4 months on the SCD I see slow improvement, less pain, less everything. I think it will take time but I would rather be a 4 in 10 than deal with the horrific symptoms while on Prednizone.

Checking in After 4 Months on SCD

I wrote to you all a while ago. After some bad times with lost jobs and big bills, my colitis flaired in early 2012. Asacol did nothing then I went on Prednizone, which I stopped in March, cold turkey. My doctor said I was becoming dependent and Remicade was the next step. He didn’t tell me it was a long…very long term therapy, so I never called my doctor again.

So I studied the SCD diet and figured it was worth the effort to commit to the recommended minimum of one year. It is hard, but I am getting used to it. I imagine it is like what a smoker feels like, meaning you always want the bread, pasta, sugary cereal, chips, French fries, candy, cake… You get the drift. The typical household including mine has this food around and I just can’t eat it. What I would do for buttered bread, pizza, French fries! Oh well, like home and your first love, you just can’t go back…

On the plus side, I lost 21 pounds ( 188 to 167) which I needed to do anyway. And besides my symptoms I do feel generally better. I do notice at times throughout the day I can get pretty run down, so I really haven’t gotten used to maintaining my calorie intake to avoid that. Things could be a lot worse…

With improving symptoms after 4 months of the SCD diet, I would like to find a Boston area gastro doctor that recognizes the value of the SCD diet, since I am still interested in a lower impact drug therapy to help things along.

So, if you have a recommendation please post the names. I hold no one responsible and I will do my own research. You can email me directly at Thanks Chris


Prednizone is a demon, Asacol does nothing for me so I need to find a doctor that will incorporate my SCD diet into a plan that may include lower impact drugs to help things along.

written by Chris A

submitted in the colitis venting area

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