Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Cheating on the SCD

Hi there! I was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I had a flare up 1 month ago that sent me to the hospital, and another one 7 years before that. Other than that I am usually constipated or go normal to the bathroom. I was diagnosed with left-sided UC. Before the last flare up I ate everything and anything you can imagine and not have any problems. From my native Puertorican food to sushi to Indian cuisine. I could eat it all, and for being 5’1, 94 lbs girl I could pack it too! But when I was released from the hospital I researched and found out about the SCD diet. So, scared that I would have another flare up I have been following it since. However, I just ate a Godiva Dark chocolate bar with raspberry filling. What are the chances that this chocolate bar will cause another flare up?!

Submitted by “Glenda the Hungry Munchkin” in the Colitis Venting Area

More information on this diet at the: SCD Diet Page

Also, there is a section of the website called “Starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet Experiences

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