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Calling in the SCD

Kyle with his wife

Kyle with his wife recently

Hey Hey Hey! What is going on all my UC friends?

How is everybody doing? Well it has been about 2 months since my last update for you guys. Forgive my absence but I have been living without internet or cell service for the past month and a half. It’s actually been kind of nice, reminds me of how we used to survive “back in the day!” Anyways, my name is Kyle. I am from WA state. I love Jesus. I love my amazing wife and I was diagnosed with UC just over a year ago, July 18th would be my UC anniversary : ) And have been climbing uphill ever since my diagnosis.

Today (August 8th) my wife and I are actually celebrating our family holiday “SUCK IT UC” DAY, believe it or not, one year ago today I was admitted to the hospital where I would spend 29 days because of a severe UC flare coupled with a bacteria infection known as C DIFF. So today we are sticking it to UC and celebrating living! : ) If you, your spouse, your kids, or someone in your family is suffering from UC find ways to remind yourselves that things will get better, it’s important to celebrate and keep our focus on our victories.

Alright back to the update, last time I blogged I told you guys that I had an allergic reaction to Remicade and was going to be placed on Humira. Well, I started out with the four shots of Humira, and much like Adam’s story with Humira 4-5 days later I started to notice a slight pain in my right shoulder, being aware of Adam’s experience, I called my GI and let him know when it was time for my next 2 shots. He advised me to continue but to keep an eye on things. Two more shots in the legs and here we go. When it was time to take my next single shot, one month into Humira, I noticed these red shots on my feet and ankles. Nothing like Adam or others have shown, but even my wife said she noticed some similarities, I called the GI and he advised me to hold off and come in and see him if things haven’t cleared up in a week. His thinking was it was an Athlete’s foot type of fungal infection. One week goes by and I am applying the OTC cream he advised and these spots are not going away, now thank the Lord they are not getting any worse but they are not clearing up. So I made the appointment with my GI, still being advised not to take my Humira shot.

Now let me just back track for you, my wife and are all in on SCD. We started right around the same time I started noticing the red spots on my feet. So my meeting with my GI was one month past my last Humira shot and one month since starting the SCD and things have been going pretty well. I would say since being diagnosed I am feeling as good as I have felt in a while being on the SCD. So going into my meeting with my GI, my plan was to tell him I wanted off the Humira and wanted to be solely on the SCD.

Here we go; I had prepared myself throughly for this conversation with my GI because I know doctors are usually medicine first and I wasn’t sure how things would work out. I was blown away by my GI’s response. He is so supportive of my wife and I going solely on the SCD. He has given us a few “back-ups” just in case things start to flare at any point. But his first words when I told him about the Humira effects were, “we gotta get you off this stuff!” I am so blessed by the GI that I truly feel the Lord brought. He has been at my side every step of the way and so supportive of my wife and I through this whole process.

So after a year of wanting to start the SCD, here we are, ALL IN! Medicine is no longer an option and we are going for it : ) And just a small piece of advice for married couples, if you are going to try SCD, do it with one another, it has made things so much easier having my wife support me while making this huge change in our lives. Here is the truth though: I am super excited. It has definitely been challenging at times (eating out) but I have truly felt this whole time this was the best option for us.

So for all my SCDer’s out there. I gotta couple questions for you:

1. What things surprised you as legals and illegals when you first started the diet?

2. What the heck did you do for snacks? And what are good things to eat to make sure your still getting your calories up?

3. How did you go about eating out? What places did you find make it easier for SCDer’s?

4. How long did it take before you noticed the majority of your symptoms going away? (All seems normal in my body except for left side tightness, not a serious cramp, just a pinch there at certain times of the day)

5. Any extra supplements I should be taking along with the SCD? (I noticed a lot of vitamins have hidden “starches,” So what brands specifically work for you?)

Happy Suck-It UC day to all my UC peeps!

May you Praise God in the joyful times, Seek God in the trying times, Worship God in the still moments that life brings, Trust God in moments when it hurts and thank God for each and every moment you get!

Be Blessed,


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