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Aloe Vera Juice and Yoga Help Ulcerative Colitis

To cut a long story short, Im 20 and developed ulcerative colitis last summer a few days before my 20th birthday, and passed blood for a few months but thought nothing of it (I thought it was a sports related injury, quiet stupid looking back on it), finally went to the Dr in September and had blood tests and a colonoscopy done, found out I had UC…

They gave me Asacol to take but I didn’t, instead I did the following for the past 2 months have been flare free since, and I hope it lasts! =)

1) Have 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice in the morning with a glass of water, and then ready break 30 odd minutes after. And the same before dinner.
2) Yoga, breathing exercises (before breakfast and dinner) – help manage stress and blood flow, hormone levels…
3) I keep a food diary to see what causes my bowel to play up
4) I only have 3 meals a day to regulate how much food goes through the system
5) I have stopped drinking alcohol and fizzy drinks, also bread (stuff which ferments and causes gas basically)
6) Peeled fruits help a lot.
7) Some stuff called slippery elm powder (from most health shops) I mix with my breakfast. It coats your intestines and stops food irritating it

Im basically on a pseudo vegan diet for now (being at uni is hard where everyone is constantly stuffing their faces all the time with junk)

Some other things I have discovered are that:

Pumpkin is an anti-inflammatory for the intestine and has been proven to work in animals and humans, a few people from the Colitis UK group tried it and the results were very quick (next day). A fellow who was deemed to be steroid dependant is now off steroids after 2 weeks of taking a tablespoon of pumpkin puree every morning and only goes to the toilet once and has no cramps or pain, similar results for others have also been seen.

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