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21 Year Old With Crohn’s Disease

I’m Susan.  Both my husband and son have inflammatory bowel disease.

My husband has Crohn’s disease which was diagnosed when he was a teenager.

They thought his initial attack was appendicitis and when they operated, saw it was Crohn’s and did a resection at that time. When our first child of four was a toddler, he had another resection because the pain was interfering with his ability to function. He’s been good since, but my second child was diagnosed when he was 18, a few years ago. I am now visiting him in the hospital for an abscess in his ileum, which was drained intravenously. I’ve been telling him and his father about the SCD diet, bought the books, sent him links, printed numerous articles, to no avail. His father is convinced it’s not diet controlled and my son is doomed with this attitude to follow his fathers footsteps needing future surgeries.  They both get very annoyed at me for trying to educate them about these food related theories. Their doctors give medicine and perform surgery and never discuss diet – which I understand would lower their patient count.

It’s very frustrating as a mother to sit idle, while their is so much

positive information and success they could both experience.

I’m now sending him videos, which I’m hoping will be more compelling then reading the literature. I even found a series of interviews with Elaine Gottshall herself, which I thought were very convincing and if that doesn’t do it for him, I don’t know what else I can do. He’s been away at college the past 4 years, and just doesn’t want to give up the lifestyle of drinking, pizzas, etc, which are the worst thing for his gut. It’s his life and his body and maybe with some maturity and unfortunately more painful bouts with the disease, he’ll look inward and take the necessary steps to change his lifestyle.

Any suggestions, if anyone could talk to him,

etc… would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Susan in Philly


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