Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

20+ Years of Ulcerative Colitis

Meet Nettie:

I am a 54 year old living in Paso Robles, California. I am a wife, mother of 3, a new Grandmother of 1 and I work in a fairly stressful job. I was diagnosed when I was 33 years old. I was told after my second child it was most likely hemorrhoids. I suffered for a year of severe cramping, gas,diarrhea, bloody mucus and joint pain. I also had painful ulcers in my mouth. After my diagnosis and started on medication, I was amazed at how much better I felt. I had been in pain so long it was almost normal for me. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. My husband and kids are supportive when I am sick. I trail ride and show my horse competitively on a national circuit.


Today is a good day, no real symptoms.

Nettie’s Colitis Story:

I have always been very active and I have had UC a long time, I know when I am going to have a flare up because I get extremely exhausted. I usually have 2 flare ups per year. Last year was a good year only one flare up.
This year I have had one so far, it started at the beginning of May 2012, I think it was the physical stress (long days, high heat, little food) along with the mental stress of showing. Over the next few weeks I got sicker ( cramping and bloody, diarrhea) and weaker. I had my annual colonoscopy May 29th, after that I was so weak I could hardly get out of bed. Two days later my daughter had my first grand child I stayed in the delivery room the whole time, it was wonderful. It was another long exhausting day, I didn’t eat so I would not need to go to the rest room as much. I called my GI docs office and he put me on Prednisone 30gm/day. I still continued to drag myself to work. I lost 10 lbs in a week. It had only been a month since the flare up started and was already so sick of being sick.
While searching on line for the side effects of Prednisone I found your site. I bought Adam’s book and read it in 2 days. I was intrigued by the thought of decreasing my symptoms by following a diet. I also bought the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle. I read it and started on the diet and it seems to have helped. I told my doctor about the diet and he said if it works then keep it up. Once I am weaned off the Prednisone he would like me to try probiotics.

I don’t see many people my age posting on this site

and was wondering if others have had polyps removed?

I have been getting a colonoscopy every year for the past 8 years. Prior to that is was every two to three years. In May I had 4 precancerous polyps removed. Is colon cancer in my near future? Interestingly the polyps were not in the location where the flare was occurring.

Where I’d Like to be in 1 year:

I feel I have a pretty good life right now. UC is a part of my life but it does not run my life. In a year I hope I am continuing to enjoy my family, riding my horse, and working. I hope to be on as little medication as possible that manages my UC symptoms completely.

Colitis Medications:

I started on Sulfasalazine when first diagnosed. Then changed to Asacol 2400mg/day. and Prednisone with flare ups. With this last flare up I was put on 4800mg of Asacol and 30mg of Prednisone. My doctor recommended 6MP instead of Prednisone because I have taken so much of it over the years, thankfully he had me take a blood test to find out if I would have the severe side effects with 6MP and the tests showed I would most likely have severe side effects. Prednisone works very well for me but I know I should not continue taking it.

written by Nettie

submitted in the colitis venting area

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