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Young and Fit with UC, I Overcame Colitis and You Will Too

I’m 27, healthy eater, hard worker in the corporate world, and active soccer player. Never thought something like UC would happen. This site gave me confidence when i was feeling down. Hopefully this post does the same for you.

Some more details:

I like playing soccer


Symptom free at moment

Michael’s Story:

Hello. I was diagnosed with UC about 10 months ago. I’ve been symptom free for about 6 months now. I’m writing this post to give others hope that it does get better.

I was going through a really stressful time at work and I believe this triggered the Ulcerative Colitis. I also had some really big, important decisions to make and this added more anxiety to the mix. It started as small streaks of blood on the stool and then larger streaks. Eventually the stool became looser and the blood more prominent. This escalated until I was going to the bathroom more than 15 times a day, straight liquid that was red, with urgency and unable to sleep fully through a night. It was one of the worst periods in my life. I didn’t want to eat, interact with people, leave home, or risk doing anything that would keep me far from a bathroom.

After colonoscopy and diagnosis I was started on lialda. This didn’t seem to improve symptoms so eventually I was prescribed prednisone. Amazingly, after a few weeks of taking prednisone, eating more healthy food, and exercising every once in a while, symptoms started to get better. My work situation became less stressful and I believe this helped tremendously. Over the course of a few months my symptoms faded away completely.

I can’t overstate how miserable I was at the peak of my bad symptoms. It felt like blood was literally pouring out of me. I didn’t think it would end or I would ever get better.

The reason I decided to write this today is because if you are like me, I just wanted to hear from someone that had been in my situation and successfully got out of it. So here I am today, healthy, and I just want you to know it gets better.

How I Treat My Colitis:

Well balanced diet. No spicy foods, limit alcohol, limit caffeine, limit sugars, limit fructose. Exercise but don’t overdo it. Don’t stress out… This only makes it worse. Prednisone worked for me… I hope it works for you.

written by Michael W

submitted in the colitis venting area

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