Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Words of Strength

Hello I’m new to this site and I am so glad that I have stumbled upon this site! I am going to start by saying that I am not yet sure if I have Ulcerative Colitis but I have been having symptoms for about a month that indicate I might. I started to have diarrhea once a week then it became twice to three times a week. I thought I had IBS and began to eat only bland foods and water. This was really hard on me as I was feeling weak and tired. Two weeks later I got stomach cramps so severe I went to the emergency room- I became absolutely terrified. I began to look up my symptoms and noticed that I have had blood in my stool as well as tenesmus. I attributed this to IBS but I cannot stop thinking about it. I suffer from really bad chest pains as well as a reproductive anomaly and horrible back pain. I am just so weak and tired at this point and I don’t know if I can handle what is about to come my way. My family has been extremely supportive as well as my boyfriend although I can already see that all of this is truly beginning to test the strength of our relationship. I went to the mall and felt like I was going to have a panic attack because I became overwhelmed by all of this. I am going to the the GI specialist tomorrow that my father sees. I am really scared because of the blood in my stool. I have not had bloody diarrhea but have just about every other symptom. I know I shouldn’t diagnose myself online but I feel this has truly helped me because of all of the information I am receiving. I am 23 yrs old and I have 1 more year to finish school, I am a volunteer and I love to go out. I want to continue living my life and I am determined to do so despite whatever it is I have. I am just looking for some strength because I feel completely alone and isolated at this point. Thank you!

My medications: currently on hyoscamine .125


Submitted by: “DD”

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