Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Where to Get Started? Very Overwhelmed!


Hello! I am a 30 year old Dental Assistant, living in Virginia. I got married a little over a year ago to a hunky fireman and became a first time mommy in November to a beautiful baby girl! I love my job, love my life! Looking forward to getting some control of this disease!

Some more about me:

I love spending time at home with my family and friends. Cooking is a huge passion of mine, the food network is usually on! I believe laughing is the best medicine, making people laugh always makes my day :)


Currently I am experiencing diarrhea, severe blood, mucous and gas….pretty much every gross symptom that’s out there lol

Where to Get Started? Very Overwhelmed!

Hello there everyone, and Adam! I am so glad I found this website, I have been searching this site for suggestions, answers and any kind of insight I can find on how to get some control of my UC. My symptoms started the month after my daughter was born, December 2012. I saw my general physician shortly after I noticed the blood (really freaked me out!) and was sent to a local GI. Got my colonoscopy in February 2013 and was diagnosed with the UC! My Dr started me on Asacol and mesalamine enemas, I started to feel better and was relieved! About 2 weeks later, I started with HORRIBLE cramping and worsening symptoms, I stopped the Asacol and enemas and started to feel better, so I was thinking it was the medication giving me a bad reaction. I was doing pretty good for about a month when symptoms began again, tried Asacol/enemas again and after only 2 days I was in so much pain I couldn’t bear it. The Dr then did agree that he thinks the meds were to blame, and we decided to give me a break of meds for a while and see what would happen, was doing fine until about a month ago. This is the worst it’s been so far, the blood loss is scary for me! I am now taking 40mg Prednisone once a day, been on this for 3 weeks with no relief. I have been reading about the SCD diet and am willing to try anything. My question is, do I tell my GI that I want off the steroid and am going to try controlling this with diet? Or do I go about this without him? I can’t imagine he would be pleased that I don’t want to be on meds for the rest of my life (how else do they make money??). Do I need to quit the steroid completely before trying this? And why hasn’t the steroid worked? I kinda was under the impression that it was a sure-fire fix?

I am really bummed that this disease is going to change my entire life. I love to eat, I love to cook, and although I will still be able to do both, it just won’t be the same. I am lucky to have a supportive family and husband who will help me through anything. I am starting to get overwhelmed at all the information out there, I wish I would just know what was going to work! I am not a patient person, so coming to the realization that curing myself over night isn’t going to happen has been hard. I would love some feedback on how to get started with diet changes etc…I plan on ordering the SCD diet book soon, but am a little worried on how extreme it is. Thank you everyone in advance!


Currently on 40mg Prednisone once/day .
Bad reactions to Asacol, Mesalamine enemas. Steroid suppositories did not help, nor did Canasa. So far I’ve not gotten relief from anything!

written by “Dental Assistant”

submitted in the colitis venting area

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