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What’s Happening: Dashing to the Toilet

Hi There I Have UC Website Readers,

5 weeks ago I began to experience urgent urges to go to the toilet, but when i had reached the toilet to open my bowels it was just blood that would be released (quite alot)! There were times when i couldn’t reach the bathroom in time but luckily i was at home. A few days later i was suffering from diarrhea as well as blood loss! At this point i knew something was seriously wrong so therefore went to visit my GP who took some blood tests; the day after the blood tests i flew abroad and that’s where my story begins.

The first few days of being abroad i was still experiencing the diarrhea and anal blood loss then all of a sudden without any warning what so ever i was eating breakfast in the hotel restruant when i had severe stomach cramping with a violent urge to go to the toilet. From this point onwards this was my continuous pattern throughout the 2 weeks of my holiday. The pain and toilet visits restricted me to my hotel room while my family went out. I was told by my family members that it’s not good for me to stay in bed all day and that i should make the most of being abroad! Well hearing those words with the way i was feeling didn’t go down well at all as i felt myself snapping at people as no one possibly understood what i was experiencing, i was feeling very depressed and isolated; all i wanted to do was come home, get my test results, take some antibiotics and feel better.

The evening i got back into England i realized that i would need to quickly nip to the supermarket to get bread and milk (what a nightmare that was)!!! Half way through picking up my items my stomach started to cramp and i needed to find a toilet immediately….as i reached the toilet i felt a little relieved until to my HORROR there was a huge sign saying OUT OF ORDER! At this point I wanted to cry, then a worker must have seen the distress in my face and told me that the toilets had been moved outside so i made a dash for them. All i was thinking was i have one day until my test results then my doctor will sort all this out for me.

The day finally came when i was able to collect my test results but i wasn’t told what i expected to hear. I was told that there was something showing extremely high in my blood (i can’t remember the exact term) but his diagnosis was Ulcerative Colitis, i had no idea what this was so he advised me to type the condition into Google and have a look, which i’ve done and to my horror the condition sounds worse than i initially thought. I have a hospital appointment the beginning of November for a colonoscopy to confirm that it is Ulcerative Colitis, in the meantime i am extremely ill with:

Constant toilet dashes especially after eating or drinking
Stomach cramps
I’m so bloated I look pregnant
Lower back pain
Itchy eyes
A loud gurgling sound in my stomach

Before all of this i was always out socializing with people and now i can’t go anywhere through fear of me needing to dash to the toilet. I feel very depressed and tearful as i have no idea how long i will have to put up with all these symptoms, i have read so many different stories about the medications and it scares the life out of me. I really don’t know what to do or how to handle what is going on inside of my body.

Submitted By Rainy in the Colitis Venting Area

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