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Update – In Remission but Transitioning from Paleo to SCD

Caroline K full
Hello, I’m Caroline!

Intro: I was diagnosed officially in January 2013 with severe pancolitis, although I have had lifelong tummy issues. I want to treat myself with diet and natural methods ultimately!

Some more about me: I love being active! High intensity interval training, all kinds of yoga (although lately restorative is my fave), dance, long walks…I’m up for all of it. I love to eat and have been fully Paleo for nearly a year. My hubby and I are very laid back and have a house full of rescue animals. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Symptoms: I’m technically in remission! What a relief indeed. But I still have mucus pretty much daily, and I will bleed if I get near a nightshade. Or chocolate. Boo!

But coming from where I came from earlier this year (20+ bms (D!) a day, anemia, fevers, aches and pains, hemorrhoids, no appetite, vomiting, heavy bleeding, tenesmus, 20 lb weight loss in 3 weeks), this is no big deal. I will take it. GLADLY. One day at a time is my motto, for sure!

Transitioning from Paleo to SCD!

So, long story short. I was diagnosed in January of this year with severe pancolitis. I was extremely bad shape – anemic, losing my hair, fatigue, joint pain, fevers, 140+ heart rate, all the good stuff. Definitely no fun- I couldn’t get off of the couch!

I went on a heavy regimen of Prednisone (40 mg taper), plus Flagyl and Cipro. During that time, I saw a naturopath and also an acupuncturist – they diagnosed me with Leaky Gut, which made a lot of sense to me. I had always had a touchy stomach, so that all added up when I considered my symptoms and perceived food sensitivities. All grains, tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers – these things are not my friends. I had been Paleo before and continued to follow this diet – just with no cheating. I have been taking several supplements in addition to my VSL DS (which has been great for me) and Apriso (not sure how much that does for me, but I am covering my bases).

I have kept a pretty detailed food diary, and over time, although Paleo has been great for me overall, I have noticed that some of the foods that increase my symptoms (sweet potatoes, chocolate, parsnips, plantains) are not allowed on SCD. Which has me thinking that maybe it is time to incorporate some SCD into my current plan to get me to the next level. Any thoughts there are welcome – it doesn’t seem to be that tough of a transition, but I am hoping for some good results.

My periods were pretty much nothing for the past 2 years, and I assumed it was from the birth control pills I was on. I stopped taking them in February – I just didn’t want to take anything else since between meds and supplements I was taking so much. My periods are still recovering – my gyno and GI doc say it will take time. The prednisone apparently takes a lot of time to recover from hormonally. Right now I am off of the pill, but get periods about every 6 weeks. I wondered if maybe I was in an early menopause (I’m 38!) but my doctor says that it can take time to normalize. My acupuncturist is still alarmed at the changes to my system since the predisone, and says that between that and the trauma from the illness, that it may be 1-2 years before I recover. How crazy that those tiny pills (so necessary at the time) can do that!

To be honest, I don’t feel like the same person. Part of it is physical – like I’m still recovering. I get tired so easy now, and need more sleep and rest. I used to love hot yoga, power yoga, but now my favorite yoga is restorative, yin yoga. The kind where I doze off and drool on myself. I feel so much older physically. Part of it is personality wise – I am fussier. But I think a lot of that is that I am pickier now about how I spend my time because I see how precious it is. I used to be so fun spirited and much more easy going – I’m all crotchety now! I am also so choosy about WHO I spend my time with. Maybe this is Mother Nature’s way of doing some house-cleaning for me.

Immune system – It’s still funky! I get every cold and flu that gets anywhere near me. My acupuncturist says it is due to the Prednisone, and that makes sense. Anyone else have that? She has me taking herbs that help, which is good, but it scares me that I’m still having these effects nearly a year later. I am NOT interested in getting a flu shot.

Overall, I am SO grateful to be in remission. If this is as good as it gets, I am fine with that. For those of you hanging in there with active flares, stick it out and keep trying things until you figure out what works. It’s different for everyone. I truly think that the #1 thing that keeps me well is my diet and managing stress.

Medications and Supplements I’m Taking:

Apriso – not sure how much it does for me? I have a savings card for it now to where I pay only $10/month, but on my new insurance for 2014, I will pay $300/month. So it better show some value! I asked my GI doc about weaning off next year, and he said he wants to scope me first. Ugh. Maybe I will just take it.

VSL #3 DS – AWESOME! Felt a big difference in this from the other probiotics I had been taking.

Vitamin D3

L-Glutamine (not sure if this is helping me, might phase out)

Astaxanthin (not sure if this is helping me, might phase out)

Fish Oil – I feel like this is good for me.

Chinese Herbs

written by Caroline & submitted in the colitis venting area

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