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UC Newby

me not too long ago

me not too long ago


I was diagnoses with UC Oct 2012 through a colonoscopy. The GI wanted to put me on oral and suppositories and to have all vaccinations, as my immune system would be put to sleep. This sounded horrific to me and I refused all medication. I went to a Naturopath and pretty much went into remission within a month. Maybe a coincidence, I’ll never know, but I am now in a flare up that has rendered me on the couch and 3 weeks off work.

Some more about me:

I cycle as a hobby and participate in the odd charity ride. My last ride was 100km and within a week after the ride I had my flareup. I don’t know if this was a coincidence or is it possible that cycling aggravates UC? I have heard that restricted blood flow could be a reason for a flareup.

I am still on my Naturopath meds and have found a new doctor who is willing to work with me, who has just taken bloods and stool samples. My last doctor just wanted to send me back to the GI who would just want me on meds.

My daughter has turned into my Mum and tells me “now Mum if you don’t improve, what are you going to do?” “you will go back to the doctor won’t you and not go all natural on us”. My kids think I’m a bit of a non conformist and risk taker, but I think that’s just the way to get the best out of life :-)


Currently I am in a flareup with the usual filling the toilet with blood, runny bowel motions, mucus and gas :( I am on the toilet approx. 10 times a day. When i have a bowel motion that is a bit of a strain, its like my injera are coming out. This time i have had back pain going down into my legs, which is strange, I didn’t have these symptoms last time.

Since being diagnosed with UC…

My active lifestyle has pretty much stopped and that’s depressing, I see a beautiful day outside and all I want to do is go out and cycle. I miss it!!! I feel my fitness slipping away and that’s depressing, I’m not getting younger, I’m 49 and before UC I felt i was getting fitter and fitter for much later on in life. I had goals set and I also feel them slipping away. I am in Australia and the doctors here don’t want to help you much in the doctor rooms, they are much more comfortable just sending you straight to a specialist. Sorry but I just think that’s a cop out. Thank god I’ve finally found a lovely lady doctor, recommended by a friend.

I have refused all medication so far and eliminated all foods and gradually adding foods back into my diet. It’s incredibly boring and honestly I don’t know how long I can eat like this. I haven’t been cycling for about a month now and am scared to get back on the bike because I felt that the cycling aggravated my UC.

Does anyone have any thoughts about cycling and UC? Because I am new to UC I am still naive about a lot, i hear many stories of hospitalization and very I’ll people and can’t imagine how bad it can be.

My doctor and others keep reminding me that if left untreated it can turn to cancer and you could lose your bowel and have a bag fitted permanently? Could anyone please give me some feedback about what they mean about ‘being left untreated’? I hear that many people have had UC for many many years and have not had cancer or colostomy bag permanently.

My biggest concerns are that the doctors telling me if I don’t take medication I could be in alot of trouble and I do hear that some people say that the meds don’t work for everyone anyway?


I am only taking supplements, mainly enzymes, probiotics, slippery elm, chia seeds, soaked prunes and greens (wheat grass, spirulina, barley grass & chlorella). Experimenting with Fruits and vegetables at the moment, slowly introducing other foods.

written by Nefi

submitted in the colitis venting area

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