Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Tuesday to Thursday… I Got This

Hi all,

I am recently diagnosed with UC. Like really recent it’s Thursday(1/19/2012) and I was diagnosed on Tuesday(1/17/2012).

Yesterday was a rough day.  My husband went to work like usual and I sat here and cried.

For the last month and a half I have been sick. Real sick… you all know what I mean. I’ve lost like 35lbs and haven’t done anything but loose the job that I just started.  I worked for 3 days before this flare started.

But with my new diagnosis comes some hope too.


I feel better knowing now that all the times I couldn’t leave to toilet, had to poop on the side of the highway, and was way sicker than the stomach flu that was going around really warranted that there was another reason. I was not completely terrified since I have been working in the medical field since I was 18. But I was feeling sad and like oh whooess me.
Today I got online to get help making a grocery list for my new low residue diet that my GI has put me on when I stumbled across this site. And really I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have put postings up. For the last hour as my son has been running around and watching Team UmiZoomie I have been bawling my eyes out and laughing while reading everyone’s stories. I know that even though its been a hard time just getting to a diagnosis that there is still a long road ahead. But already from reading all the stuff you all have posted I don’t feel alone and scared like I did even this morning. (My husband is wonderful, but he is just as scared as I was; and frustrated that he can’t just make it go away). I loved the video of Adam cooking the fish he caught. We love to camp so that was awesome to see. Plus he totally looks and acts like my brother (enough that my son was like Uncle Aaron?). I have to go to the store now. Should be fun since my stomach is hurting terrible from the new meds that I am taking and I’ll have a two year old in tow.

But after seeing this site

UC not only seems manageable but laughable also.

Feeling positive and thankful to everyone who has posted before me. I will definitely be back to check in and read more inspiring stories. Again thank you all for helping me see the positive in the … not all that positive.

Colitis Medications:

I don’t know all the names and peeled the labels off to recycle the bottles already but lomotil, IBS meds, some terrible powder drink, phenergan, the creamy white enemas I will be having each day for the next six weeks, and a bunch of other stuff.

written by Lacey

Submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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