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Trouble Swallowing Food – Getting Stuck and Vomiting While Eating

Jolie with family

Jolie with her family


I’m 29 and have been living in Ulcerative Colitis denial for 12 years. Finding this site has really helped me to understand it (much more than a doctor has bothered to explain) its been great for resource, latest research and just reading about others who are in the same boat as me… Below is a question to do with UC – strange symptoms.

Colitis Story:

Every other meal I eat I find my self gagging for some water or bent over the toilet bowl trying to dislodge food.
Ill eat something – can be as small as a pea or as big as bread or chicken – and at some point my throat just does not let the food down. At this point I try to swallow some water but more often than not I have to induce vomiting to get rid of it. If i cant its a constant feeling of gagging / bringing food up.
There is a lot of mucous that develops around the food which i usually bring up before the food itself. I guess this is the body trying to dislodge the blockage itself?

This is something I have been getting since before being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, has/does anyone else struggle with swallowing food /food getting stuck when eating? I don’t know if its related or not or whether its just something else that I can add to my list..

After a bit of googling Ive found this medication definition which pretty much sums it up – I don’t know for sure if this is what i have but it sounds accurate.

Achalasia Overview

Achalasia is a rare condition that makes it difficult for food and liquid to move from the esophagus into the stomach. It’s caused by nerve damage to the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscle that normally would relax to allow the passage of food. It’s not clear what damages the nerve in the first place, but infections or autoimmune diseases are possible causes. Achalasia usually appears in people ages 25 to 60 and sometimes in children. Medications, shots, endoscopy, or surgery may help ease achalasia. If not treated, achalasia can lead to weakness and malnutrition.

BTW i had been to the doctor about this when I was about 8 or 9 and all I remember was the doctor saying that it was usually something old people get.. ? Maybe a revisit is in order…

written by Jolie

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