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Starting the SCD Diet on Meds!

Hello Adam and UC’ers!

I’m really happy I found this website

and I’m hoping to get some SCD tips from the group.

My name is Steph and I’m a 27-year old teacher in Boston. I was diagnosed with UC in 2009 and I’ve tried Lialda and 6MP unsuccessfully. Acupuncture didn’t help me much, but I’m trying to explore non-Western alternatives. I’m currently on Lialda, 6MP, and prednisone and the GI doctor has recommended Remicade as a next step. I learned about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) this summer and I would like to try SCD before trying Remicade. While the change of lifestyle seems intense, I think I’m up for the challenge. Good health is everything, right?

Has anyone started SCD while on medication?

I was doing some research about getting started with SCD and I’m frustrated to learn that there are SCD illegal starch ingredients in my current UC medications (Lialda, 6MP, and prednisone). I am planning to order vitamins from Freedavitamins, but I don’t know what to do about my current colitis medications. The hope is that I can taper off of the medications, but I don’t think the diet can be effective if I am consuming some illegal ingredients. Please direct me to resources about starting SCD on medication and let me know what you have tried.

Also, any tips for starting the diet are welcome. I’m 27 and live with roommates, but fortunately my parents live close by and are willing to help with food preparation. I’m also vegetarian, but I’m thinking that it may be wise for me to add some meat to my diet since no soy products are allowed on SCD. Has anyone gone through SCD as a vegetarian? Or any advice on introducing meat back into the diet?

Thanks in advance,



(Submitted by Steph in the Colitis Venting Area )

Details regarding the diet are on the SCD DIET PAGE

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