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I am a teacher living in Illinois, USA.  Have 2 kids and my oldest has Ulcerative Colitis which started as Crohn’s disease. In the past I have been very active, running and doing yoga but now don’t have the energy. I barely have the energy to wake up in the morning

Colitis Symptoms:

  • Multiple bowel movements
  • joint pain
  • cramping
  • low energy

Deb’s Colitis Story:

I have been on Lialda for about 5 months and it does not seem to be working any more. Started the Simple Carbohydrate diet about a week ago and am wondering about how long it takes to work. My diagnosis is severe ulcerative colitis so I guess I have to be patient but am really tired of not having any energy. Even walking up the stairs now is tiresome and 2 years ago I ran a 1/2 marathon!

Also, stress has been playing a large part with my symptoms. If something makes me upset I seem to get worse. Any advice on this? I was married this past July and that seemed to trigger my UC. It turned out to be a fiasco and my husband had lied to me about some things. Right now we are separated. Teaching classes when you have to keep using the bathroom is awkward, especially since I work with teenagers. Most days I have to run to the bathroom at least 4-5 times during the day and that is after waking up sick for an hour every morning.

Really, I just want to feel myself again.

On the weekends I just lay in bed and I don’t have energy to do anything with my kids. I watch a lots of tv now which isn’t even what I like to do but feel so bad that I do housework in spurts. My family doesn’t realize how sick I am because I don’t want them to worry about me because I have always been the one to take care of everyone.

When my son was diagnosed the doctors did not seem all that helpful. I was reading the Lialda information and it said that there is no evidence that it works past 8 weeks and that seems to be what has occurred. Why is that my job to give the doctor that information? This is what I have already had to go through with my son and really don’t want to go through it with myself. It would be nice if doctors paid attention to more than just handing out medicine.

Colitis Medications:

Been taking Lialda and it worked at first and now seems to not be working.

written by Deb

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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