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SCD and the Search for a Knowledgeable Nutritionist


UC’er for nearly 7 years. Diagnosed when I was 22. Asacol and Imuran all 7 years and the occasional prednisone (more so in the early years). Prednisone free for 2 years. Now trying SCD.

Starting Specific Carbohydrate Diet with a Nutritionist:

I was first diagnosed in the spring of 2005. I was a healthy 107 pounds (I’ve always been a small person and 107 was a good healthy weight for me). and that summer, I dropped down to 78 pounds.
That summer, I wasn’t really sure how to take care of my colitis, and helped a friend move on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year. I got dehydrated and for days, family members were trying to force food down my throat, telling me I needed to eat if I wanted to gain weight, but I kept puking and pooping everything out. I couldn’t keep anything down. After 3 days of this, I went to see the Dr. and he hospitalized me immediately. As soon as that IV started flowing into my veins, I felt sweet sweet relief.
My mother was so afraid to feed me anything when I got home and I got angry because I was so hungry. I got up to go to the bathroom and passed out because I was so freaking hungry and malnourished. She called an ambulance and when I got to the hospital, they gave me a cheeseburger and I immediately felt a bit of strength return. Most expensive cheeseburger ever.
My mother hasn’t let go of the diet thing and in the past few years, we discovered SCD. I was living overseas and circumstances didn’t allow me to begin the diet, but I began adapting a healthier diet. I was working out regularly (2-3 times a week) and eating properly and gaining 1 pound a month.
I moved back to the States recently and decided to go full speed ahead with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD).
However, I keep losing weight. I have maintained a weight of 90 pounds for the last year. I had a flar overseas which caused me to drop from 100 lbs to 90 lbs. Maybe even a little below 90 when I was at my worst.  Since, I’ve been back (4 months now) I haven’t been able to raise my weight over 90 pounds. I try eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) just to gain enough weight to start the SCD, but then I feel gross and unwell.

which brings me to…


I’m having trouble staying on the SCD.

How many of you that have been successful on the SCD worked with a dietician/nutritionist?

I’m having trouble finding anyone in my po-dunk hometown who has even heard of the SCD. I have been trying, but I’m not getting enough calories and I’m rather underweight as it is. Not dangerously so, but it could become dangerous if I lose more weight, which I tend to do when I start the SCD. I’ve started and stopped 3 times now. Each time, I lose weight and start to feel weak and panic and eat illegals just so I have enough energy to do things. But I end up feeling physically awful after eating these illegals.

I just don’t feel like I”m going about this in a safe way without a nutritionist, but no one here has heard of the diet. Should I consult with a nutritionist and have her read Breaking the Vicious Cycle and be her guinea pig? Are there any nutritionists I could work with via Skype or some similar technology?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Colitis Medications:

I’ve been on Asacol for the entire 7 years. I have no idea what it does or even if it helps. I just take it.
In the beginning, I didn’t take it for a month and felt fine. But then flared a few weeks after that month ended and was reprimanded by Dr.

written by: “7 Year Vet”

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