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New To Ulcerative Colitis

I started noticing bowel irregularities, mainly diarrhea, in October of last year, and at first thought I was lactose intolerant (my brother and dad both are, my dad to a near violent extent). Cutting milk products out of my diet didn’t alleviate the symptoms, and I began to wonder if I was celiac or intolerant to gluten. Again, removing the suspect food did not change my symptoms, but as they were limited to some sporadic evening diarrhea, I didn’t think much of them.

Around Thanksgiving I began to notice blood and mucus in my stools, and got blood and stool samples anaylzed for gluten, infection, parasites (I blamed the carefully cooked dining hall cuisine) and whatever else comes in the panel. Again, nothing, and I got to kick off my winter break with a colonoscopy.

So, I have UC, and currently have very cramped, bloody bowel movements, on average 5 times a day. I’ve only been taking the hydrocortisone for two weeks, and the mesalamine for 3 days, and am noticing marginal, if any, improvement. I’m talking to my doctor again on Monday, and am really hoping the mesalamine helps, because I’m apprehensive of prednisone. Then again, I’m open to whatever will help. Its frustrating to not be able to sit through a lecture without running to the bathroom.

I guess I’m looking for any advice people may have (or encouraging words), especially experience with drugs, probiotics, or other remedies. Has anyone tried vsl 3, and had success? I’ve been reviewing any medical literature I can find and it seems promising.

current medications: 3.6 g mesalamine, 60 ml hydrocortisone suppository, fish oil, saccharomyces boulardii capsules

– Dan (19 year old college student)

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