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Never Come Off the Medications (On Your Own)


I’m a 21 year old college student. I was diagnosed with UC – pancolitis – early this year in January. Almost went into remission when I stopped my meds. Worst decision ever. Will never do that again.


Currently my symptoms are: urgency, frequency (3-5 times a day)
My Story:
Hey guys and girls,I am 21 years old. I’m a senior in college. I was diagnosed with UC – pancolitis – in January of this year. (It took my doctors over a month to figure it out but that’s another story…)

In any case, my treatment was a combination of Prednisone and Mesalamine. 40mg of P (2 month taper) and 3600 mg of M. I was on them for about exactly two months. Why exactly you might ask? Well, my symptoms got better and by mid-March I was feeling good enough to even go start up running again. And so what did I do? I stopped my medications. Looking back it was probably the worse decision I have ever made. I was coming off the taper on the Prednisone at that time but, despite being told that I was going to be on mesalamine for a *while*, I stopped taking that as well.

And for 2 weeks things were okay. I thought I was scott free. But then it came back. 10-20 times a day, bloody nasty stuff. It was happening all over again.

My doctors were very disappointed to say the least. They definitely gave me a piece of their mind.

I was put back on the Prednisone and Lialda (40 mg and 3600 mg). Now, about 1 month later, things are looking better. I’ve tapered down to 2.5 mg on the Prednisone and my symptoms have lessened considerably. I go 3-4 times a day always in the evening hours. Bowel movements rare well formed, soft stools with very little to no blood. I do still have the urgency problem though. I wonder how long that’ll last.

I wanted to ask everyone two questions I’ve been wondering about:

1. How long does it usually take for complete remission? (on average)

2. What are your experiences with Lialda? I’m currently taking 2400 mg a day – two 1200mg pills, one in the morning, one at night. It *seems* that long term use of this drug is *safe*.

Thanks in advance guys!

Where I’d Like to be in 1 year: 
Complete remission!
Current Colitis Medications:
40 mg prednisone (1 month taper). Currently on 2.5 mg
2400 mg mesalamine.

written by: College Student

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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