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My Colitis Story – Wife and Mother to 3 Kids


Hi all, my name is Lori. I am a wife and mother to 3 wonderful children. I was diagnosed with uc 2 1/2 years ago. I have been hospitalized 3 times and have had a total of 9 units of blood!! They say I am currently in remission due to remicade infusions. Any questions just ask!!!

My Symptoms:

Cramping, urgency, some blood and loose stool.

My Colitis Story:

I had been having symptoms like bloody loose stools and urgency and cramping for years. I was pregnant with my youngest about 3 1/2 years ago and the doctors couldn’t figure out why I was loosing weight and anemic. My baby was gaining just fine. Before her birth we determined my gall bladder was bad and needed removed. After her birth I breast fed her. One month after having her my gall bladder was removed, but my problems were still there. Three months later I was only passing blood. I was on the toilet constantly. I was so weak I couldn’t take care of my kids. Everytime I stood up my world went black and I almost passed out. I was falling asleep constantly. Finally I agreed to go to the ER. They knew something was seriously wrong but the released me because they didn’t have a bed. They sent me home with potassium and an anti-diahreal meds but the pharmacy wouldn’t fill them because the cause negitative interactions. I we nt to my Dr. The next day and she was furious!!! She called over to the hospital and they got me a bed ready. I was to go straight there and check myself in. That was the first of 3 stays in the hospital since. All of my stays were 3-5 days. My colon is 90% dieseased. I have needed a total of 9 units of blood. They tried steriods, asacol, lialdia and antibiotics and none of it worked. I am currently on remicade infusions every 8 weeks and they seem to be working. If this doesn’t work they will remove my entire colon. I have however been getting what looks like boils so I’m conserned there might be an issue. I also have gained a ton of weight. Anyone else have these problem?

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

I love to be in complete remission!

Colitis Medications I’ve Used:

Nothing but remicade has worked for me! If this fails the will remove my entire colon!

written by Lori

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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