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My 16 year old Son has Ulcerative Colitis


I’m the worring Mom of a 16 year old son, fairly new to UC and still learning what’s its all about! My son had 2nd Colonoscopy in Feb.2013. Nothing has changed since Aug.2012.

Some more details:

My son, 16, plays baseball & is accepted to 2 Pennsylvania State Police camps this summer, each 1 week long.

My Son’s Colitis Symptoms:

My son has bloody diarrhea 3-4 times every evening up to midnight! He is taking Asacol & Predinsone. I just don’t see any improvement. He had a bad sinuses infection after the 1st week on Predinsone. It looked like things were improving some until he had to take Amoxicillin for sinus infection. Then he got really bad stomach aches! We stopped the Amoxicillin 2 days early & stomach aches got better.

My 16 Year Old Son

When I noticed him in bathroom too many times a night in Aug 2012, I realized something is up.( that’s when he finally told me he had blood too) He seems to be the same since when he first started. Is this concerned a ” Bout”?? How long does it take to get over a ” Bout” ??

What kind of food do you think has a bad effect on UC?

I read allot about stress so I asked my son what is he worring about. He just isn’t a worring person but he may be now with this condition he has. Thank goodness he doesn’t have to go to bathroom all day at school, so far.. But he’s in bathroom in the evenings about 3 to 4 maybe 5 times a night. Still bloody diarrhea too. Some days he does not have as much blood as other days. I feel guilty as a Mom because I feel like I should know what to feed him or do something for him and just don’t know what to do. His colonoscopies shows mild to severe Ulcarative Colitis in the section just after the rectum and an inflammation around the opening to his Appendix. The first Doctor said he never saw anything like it.( meaning the inflammation around opening to his Appendix) My son and I and my Husband all have thought of all the food he ate that day and even the day before he got stomach aches. He has said to me , ” it doesn’t seem to be any different and doesn’t matter what I eat because it is the same and nothing changes it.” It is a worry to me and I know my son is probably worring about going to 2 Pa. State Police Camps this summer.

Does anyone know anything about the Biology medicine called Purinethol? We are to start it when his Sinus infection is cleared up.


After 1st Colonoscopy, Dr. Prescribed 3x a day, 800 Mgs of Asacol. Found a new Doctor & he doubled the Asacol & still not responding. Doctor then added Predinsone 4 pills of 10 mg each day & my son is now tapered down to 2 1/2. Then doctor is adding a Biology medicine. We haven’t started it yet because we have to be sure he has no more Sinus infection. My son is starting a Probiotic that Practioner recommended that has all 6 strains in it. It hasn’t arrived in mail yet.

written by Terry (concerned mom)

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