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Just Diagnosed and Freaking Out


Tummy problems for last 20 years or so, mostly bloody constipation alternating with diarrhea. Just diagnosed at age 41. Married for ten years to a very supportive husband. Used to enjoy a fairly active lifestyle before this started. I’m already sick of thinking and worrying about UC all the time.

Me doing some kayaking not too long ago!

My Colitis Symptoms Right Now:

Clear mucus dumping, bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss, appetite loss. The mucus dumping is the worst. It’s driving me nuts and the Prednisone isn’t stopping it. I’m sick of wearing a pad across my backside all the time. My doctor told me to treat it like my period, but we all know it’s not the same thing. :)

My Story:

Hi. I was diagnosed with mild UC about a week ago. I started having diarrhea six weeks ago, and I thought it was food poisoning, so I was put on Cipro. The runs never went away, so I went to see my GI. One thing led to another until I got an endoscopy and colonoscopy. This all started just as I was about to start a new job.

The UC diagnosis wasn’t that surprising, since my GI spotted that I had colitis during a scoping eight years go. However, I am currently feeling devastated, even though my doc says my case is very mild. The flare is located in one spot in the right side of the colon.

My biggest symptom is mucus dumping. My doc started me on 40mg of Prednisone, and I’ve already started tapering. My first day on it, the mucus stopped completely and I was thrilled, but since then (the last five days) it has continued, although there’s much less of it than there was before the Pred.

My doc says I need to eat more solids to give the mucus something to bind to, but I’m having a really hard time building my appetite back up to where it was before the colonoscopy. I think this is largely because of anxiety and depression. I know Prednisone can induce these symptoms, and I’m already prone to them. I don’t sleep well anymore, and I often wake up in the middle of the night with a sense of dread.

I realize my case is very mild, but I’m so afraid that my life will be over now. I’m stuck on the BRAT diet until I can get this under control. I’m really afraid that I’ll never be able to eat out with my friends, or go kayaking or running again, or do any of the other things I love to do. I say this even though I’m not having nearly the same symptoms many of you have, and I feel bad about that. I’m also worried about the fact that my appetite hasn’t come back. Argh.

I also already have another autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is under control with Synthroid) and inflammation issues (allergies and asthma) that have probably made me prone to UC.

Anyway, just at a time I thought I would be starting a new life with a new job, I’m now going to bed way early and slathering stinky liniment on my legs like an old person to fight the calf cramps I’m afraid will wake me up in the middle of the night. :)

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with mucus dumping as their main symptom, and if it went away. This sounds so minor compared to what most of you are dealing with, but I’m having a really hard time coming to terms with it. Also, I would love some encouragement for the anxiety and appetite loss stuff.

Thanks for letting me vent. I have to admit, this illness has already led me to reevaluate my priorities in life, so I guess that’s one good thing to come out of this so far. Also, in case this helps anyone…I subscribe to a Buddhist magazine called the Shambala Sun, and this month’s (Sept. 2012) issue has a great feature on dealing with stress. This has helped give me some perspective on this illness.

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

Flare-free and having been able to hang onto my job. Able to resume travel and activities as normal. Hopefully the SCD will work out for me.

Colitis medications:

Prednisone, 40mg for five days and tapering off. Jury’s still out on the results.

written by UCinNYC

submitted in the colitis venting area

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