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How #2 Became #1 in My Life

#2 became #1Introduction:

Diagnosed with UC in March of 2005.

Last Colonoscopy was 2012

Hospitalized twice in last 2 years. Both stays were almost a week. The first time I hadn’t been on medication for 7 years and when they did the scope, they could see all the scar tissue in my gut and told me I either had to get over being on prednisone, or they were going to cut out my colon. (AWESOME!)

Some more about me:

I must have some balls (I get it, I am a chic so pardon the pun) because I took up training for a half marathon twice in my tenure with Ulcerative Colitis. It has been a struggle but every mile I conquer without having to use the bathroom is another defeat against this diagnosis.


After a few too many “fun” football weekends and travel, I started to see the dreaded beginning symptoms we all know and hate so well.

For me, it always starts with the pink mucus and loss of appetite. Then comes the urgency not far behind. I think I caught this mini-flare pretty quick because 20mg of Prednisone has got it back under control within a week.

How #2 Became #1 in My Life

Hi there fellow UCers.

After years and years of taking the advice from blogs; commiserating silently with those who suffered the same symptoms and horror stories, I have decided to give back to the UC community with my story and experiences with UC.

Nothing is easy with this disease, as we all know. I battle daily with decisions that could make or break my progress.
I have been in relationships -in the worst of my flares- in which my boyfriends have seen me drop 70lbs on my tall 5’11 frame.

I still have nightmares about all the accidents I have had over the years and how many pairs of pants/cute panties I had to do away with. Not to mention the embarrassment surrounding smelling up women’s restrooms around the country and the anxiety that comes every time I take a trip with friends about how many bathrooms vs number of people in the room.

But this is the hand we have been dealt. I have been in the depths of the “why me” syndrome and know it is hard to pick yourself up after every accident or every gurgle of the tummy in a quiet room. (I call it the pool party in my intestines, in the worst days)

My saving grace throughout my whole ordeal has been my mom and keeping myself constantly educated. (Even when you think you know it all) This includes (and I cannot stress enough) DIET, DIET and DIET!!! It is all about catering this disease to what works for you.

Every time I flare, I am reminded I am not invincible and every action I make has a consequence. It is the reality we live in but knowing there are others suffering, makes me want to share my knowledge and help those to not feel they have been handed a life sentence.


I am currently on 4 tablets of Lialda after switching from Apriso. I was nervous about making this change but I guess they both act the same according to the Doc.
No side effects with either for me.. AMEN! I did not have a good experience with Asacol years ago.
I was made to make the switch after consistently taking Apriso and still flared BADLY this Spring.
I also just went back on Prednisone (20mg) this past week. I split my dosage (10mg morning/10mg evening) to lessen the homicidal effects. :)

written by Sam K

submitted in the colitis venting area

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