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Fighting My Way to Remission


47 year old male living in upstate NY. Diagnosed with UC about 3 years ago. Have been in remission for close to two years now.

Some more about Me:

Always researching the latest meds, probiotics and diet for maintaining my remission.


No symptoms. In remission for 21 months!!

Fighting My Way to Remission

I’ve been reading stories and questions on this website since I was diagnosed with UC about three years ago. So many people have questions, so I hope I can help someone by sharing my story.

My first year with UC was hell.

The bleeding and diarrhea were awful.

Prednisone helped to keep my symptoms at bay, but it also gave me mood swings and OCD. My doctor tried many different meds to get me off of the prednisone. Asacol exacerbated my symptoms, so I had to stop that after only 3 days. Colazol was very well-tolerated, but did absolutely nothing for me. Next was Lialda which helped to a degree, but I never achieved remission. My doctor then prescribed 6-MP, but that was of no use either.

My doctor started mentioning surgery, but I wasn’t willing to give up the fight. My health insurance approved me for Remicade infusions at 5mg per kg of weight. Unfortunately that didn’t seem to be working either. The dosage was increased to 10 mg per kg and I started to feel better after the first infusion. After the second, even better. Only trouble is that by the end of the eight week cycle, my body would start to rebel again. Then I started to read about probiotics, specifically, saccharomyces boulardii. I experimented with my daily dosage and was finally able to stabilize my condition for the entire eight weeks between infusions. I have been in complete remission for close to two years now.

During my last appointment with my doctor, he explained that he would like to keep me on Remicade for one more year. Sometime next year, he is going to cut my dosage in half. If all goes well, I may be Remicade free at some point after that. I know that the Remicade worked to a degree, but I am also a believer that the probiotic has played a part in my remission. There are even days that I forget I have UC. I’m no longer scared to go out to dinner with friends and family. No longer afraid to get on a two hour flight after a meal. It’s been a long battle, but I feel normal again. To all of those recently diagnosed: Don’t give up the fight! Find a good doctor that will work with you and fight with all of the will you can muster. I know what you’re going through and yes, UC can take it’s toll on you mentally and physically. Keep smiling and keep fighting!

Medications & Supplements that Are Helping My Colitis:

Currently on Remicade infusion therapy: 10 mg per kg
Also take saccharomyces boulardii: 5 caplets, 5X per day

written by Steve R

submitted in the colitis venting area

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