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Feeling Helpless in Connecticut with My Ulcerative Colitis


Hello. My name is Joanne, I am 45 yrs old, live in Connecticut and i have had UC for the past 20 yrs. My dad also had UC and i have 2 cousins on my Dad side of the family that also have UC.

Colitis Symptoms:

Since October, I have been experiencing a very bad flare up. Lots of nasty gross stuff (all of you with UC you know what I am talking about). going to the bathroom anywhere from 3X a day to 20Xs a day. the pains, gas, feeling like i have the flu at night are just terrible.

My Long Colitis Remission Has Ended

I went for many years without a flare up but in 2011 it decided it was time to flare up and i can not get it back into remission. I was tired all the time (still am) I had blood work done and it showed i have basically no iron in my body. Dr,. order IV iron treatments. Iron went back up, but a few months later it went back down so back to the hospital for more IV iron treatments.

I started to see a new Dr. I love my Dr. He has been there every step of the way for me. He had me try some new medications but found out the best one for me was Asacol.

In October 2011 was the worse… my life became very crazy… Daughter left for college, boyfriend broke up with me a TON of stress at work and to top it off, because of all of this stress, well…. it didn’t help my ulcerative colitis at all. Since this flare up I am scared to do anything. I was working a 2nd job and had to quit because i was having accidents. My butt hurts all the time!!!!! I am most concerned because I am starting to get very depressed because I can not get it back in remission. Can someone give me some tips to get it back in remission. Does Adams diet really work? I just want to get my life back. I want to be able to do the things that i use to do, eat the things that I use to and most of all I don’t want to worry about gas attacks all the time. I know when one is coming… the pains and my anxiety goes really high. Can someone please help me. Some advice. SOMETHING

Colitis Medications:

I am on Asacol HD 6 pills a day. My Dr also prescribe steroids but i have not taken them yet. I do not like the side effects. (like most of us don’t)

written by Joanne

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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