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Feeling Helpless and Frustrated…Please Help


32 yr old female diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about 5 yrs ago. Did great on Asacol and Prednisone taper until now…in my spare time I enjoy reading and any activity with 6 yr old daughter..
Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms:
I am currently in the middle of a terrible flair ( bloody diarrhea, left sided abdominal pain,nausea,back pain,leg pain,hip pain) and extremely frustrated by it.. I was just hospitalized for 5 days bc the prednisone was no longer working .my dr. Decided that I should go in for iv while the imuran he prescribed took time to kick in.. The imuran has made me terribly weak and nausea and I feel completely helpless.. I am tired of relying on pain medications to get through the day.. I’m petrified of surgery as I am only 32 and my dad has had it..

Ulcerative Colitis has taken a toll on the quality of my life..

I feel like I revolve my life around a bathroom and how I feel day to day..I am constantly weak and tired as well. I can’t take this much longer.. My questions are..Did anyone have success on imuran and or remicade? Is this going to be just a temporary fix? I feel as though my doctor doesn’t have enough time in the day to deal with me and that I am bothering him every time I call his office with questions.. He also doesn’t have a nurse so he works directly with all of his patients. I believe these are the next steps for me? My doctor also mentioned humira.  Also anyone have success on humira?
At what point does the doctor suggest surgery?  My doctor hasn’t even brought it up yet but I think he is nervous to discuss this with I will break down in tears.. I am also a 32 yr old single mom.. I am working on adjusting my no caffeine, no raw vegetables, fruits, trying to eat bland diet but my weight is still dropping..I have absolutely no appetite due to the abdominal cramping and nausea. Anyone has success with just changing their diet.. I previously ate a ton of salads and spicy foods at night..also enjoyed a glass of wine at night to unwind from work. I weighed 102 to begin with and am now down to 94 pounds.. Anyone have success with the surgery? Anyone have a j pouch? How often would I have to go back for repeat colonoscopies? My family has been extremely supportive during this time so I am very lucky..also have a great fella in my life that is trying his best to understand what I am going main concern is losing my job over this and having to have surgery in the end after all of this torture with medications..I would really appreciate any feedback. And suggestions..
Colitis Medications:
Currently on imuran..just increased dose to 100mg..pred 40 mgs, asacol 1200mgs , enema in pm, calcium and vitamin d
written by Judy
submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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