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Dee Dee Sharing Some Ideas about UC

I gratefully found your website 5 years ago or so when my husband was diagnosed.

Being of the stubborn type and wanting to try alternative options after his colonoscopy we went paleo for a time and there was no blood for a couple years. He never took the meds and appeared very healthy with no symptoms until a burdensome work/stress schedule came along and a flare occurred again, last June. He got sinusitis, shoulder bursitis and later found CMV in his Colon which I suspect attacked when his immunity was low but who knows and gratefully kept him from taking a steroid….. He had really high Calprotectin 741.

I was not a fan of his current GI referral and got him switched to a GI doc who practices “integrative” medicine so he actually believes in medicine and supplements.

He was finally able to convince him to take the Mes enemas and things seemed to calm down a bit and after his colonoscopy his bleeding stopped. After he started taking the meds (Mes) 4 a day, enemas most evening and his DR gave him several supplements to take.

Over time his levels came down to a healthy level and all was well at his colonoscopy 6 months later. I have used the iHaveUC site many times for encouragement and an informational resource. Currently in a flare BUT seems to be getting better, spotted blood in early November after stress and working too much, he’s a fireman so sleep is obviously a big battle in trying to get better. So his flare progressed as they usually do, blood spotted, urgency comes on and then feeling like you’re just deteriorating, intense pains throughout.

In the past the enemas meds helped but he has not been able to take them working way too much to use it and the colonoscopy is a way out which seems to have given his colon a chance to reboot so his ulcers get a chance to heal  to stop the bleeding. I’m going to ask his DR if there is something he can take that mimics this cleanout/cleanse. 1-2 weeks ago I started him on intestinal fortitude AI-5 and GLR-6, I had them from my research with the last flare and his urgency seemed to decrease but still visited the restroom a handful a day but then I pulled out all the supplements I had towards UC Morning AI-5, fish oil, Mid day meds (4), Digest enzyme, and butyrate. Evening GLR-6, Pro 50 probiotic, and colostrum. I just added the visbiome yesterday (VSL#3) to see if that can get us over the hump of blood and I’m still waiting for the Megalg in the mail, which will be added to the regimen.. Then next step would be a colon cleanse if GI has a suggestion and then 3rd step would be SCD diet. We’ll see this is all trial and error as you know. 

I really wanted to write this hoping it helps someone, thank you for making this community. 

Dee Dee

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