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Can Prednisone Hide the Disease?


Hi my name is Shannon “yukondiva” on twitter. ive written a few stories on ihaveuc. its been awhile but love the site an people who write in . im a old timmer to uc an crohns. 12 yrs with this hell.

My Story:

I’ve had uc for 12 yrs an crohns for 4.  In the last month I’ve been in the hospital 2xs 10 days total. Not fun when we are so sick. i had to have a pic line put in cause i was so dehydrated. an if you ever had one of those the pain you feel is a relief to get it in an over with. so anyways my question is , i’ve been on prednisone for months now an ive heard that it can mask the disease when your on this stuff, like when you test done it can show no symptoms. is this true? cause when i have massive pain an in the bathroom all day an nausea its not in my head this is happening, an why would you be admitted into the hospital if it was. can prednisone hide your disease? cause ive heard it can. i am currently takeing sulfazaine, prednisone, reglan, pain meds, when needed. sometimes i just get baffled by these drs.! anyone know can you please write in an let me know what you have heard.

I’m on prednisone an we all know how this med can be nasty with its side effects. But my question is can pednisone mask this disease? ive heard it can but is it true?   When i was admitted the drs said my blood work was ok besides low potassium an elevated white blood cell count, but not to bad. so my ? is can prednisone hide the disease? or how do people like me who has both uc an crohns know the difference between the 2 diseases when we are in a flare. like is it crohns? or the uc flareing? If anyone has heard of this can you give me some answers. sometimes i just wonder about takening prednisone due to so many of the side affects it gives us. can it work for the inflammation but in the meantime destroy us in other ways. ive heard on your body becoming prednisone dependant, is this true? cause my dr . has me on this med til august an im to tapper slowly off of it , cause he said when i would tapper off before i would maybe going off to fast cause my body would start to flare back up when i was like a week a way from being off of it? does this happen to anyone else? sometimes i feel like i maybe the only one this happens to at times . I just wanna have someone else say ya ive had that happen to me so i know im not alone. An figure myself out, you would think i would know by now after 12 yrs of this .

Where I’d Like to be in a year:

id of course love to be pain an symptom free. love to hear theses a cure, an laying on a beach somewhere warm. lol
prednisone, reglan, sulphazazine,pain meds as needed.
Written by Shannon aka “Yukon Diva”
submitted in the colitis venting area


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