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Battling Colitis from the Buckeye State!

Amanda the buckeye with UCMeet Amanda:

I am 24 years old and diagnosed with UC as of February 2013, which is when I had my first colonoscopy. My symptoms started in Spring 2012.

Some more about me:

Currently, I’m an Office Specialist at an Internal Medicine office. I volunteer my time by serving as the Volunteer Coordinator for the local animal shelter. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English with a concentration in writing and a minor in Spanish, which I earned at the University of Toledo (go Rockets!).

In my free time I like to stay active. I have a horse named Chester who I compete on and also enjoy trail riding. I live on the edge of a small town near Lake Erie and enjoy boating, biking, and long walks on the beach :) I love to spend time with my family and boyfriend, and I always have time for a good book or movie marathon. I absolutely love to travel but I can also play the homebody role just as well.

Symptoms I’m dealing with:

‘What symptoms don’t I have?’ would be a better question!! Cramping, diarrhea, mucus, and lots of bleeding. I had a polyp removed during my colonoscopy. I will go through periods of uncomfortable/painful bloating and constipation (only passing small mucousy, bloody movements) and then I will have days where I feel like I’m living in the bathroom emptying everything out.

Battling Colitis from the Buckeye State

At first I was in denial about having UC, but then I realized that it was just not going to go away. I finally caved into seeing a doctor after what was just an absolutely violent flare that included bloody diarrhea so bad and unrelenting I slept in the bathroom and was vomiting from the abdominal pain. My fatigue had reached the point that I was sleeping in my car on break at work. I have been researching a lot lately and am very happy to have come across this site.

Unfortunately, I have only seen my doctor twice. The first appointment I had with a GI, I was referred to another GI who did my colonoscopy immediately. She then met with me for a follow up to discuss her suspicions of UC and how we would proceed. She gave me a lot of resources and a prescription for Lialda and I was to return in 3 months. Unfortunately, I was laid off and had to cancel my follow up as it fell on the exact start date of my new job :( I was unable to be rescheduled until late August and I am very much looking forward to that appointment. She was very informative, listened and answered questions completely, and her course of action is essentially trying to find the mildest cocktail of medications/treatment that will keep me in between flares as long as possible.

I believe I have been in a constant flare for about a year and half now. The severity varies greatly, but it has been that long since things have been normal.

My mom is the most supportive of me. She has come to all my appointments and checks up on how I am doing every day. I have only told my boyfriend that I have an autoimmune disorder that makes me sleepy, achey, and affects my intestines. He is VERY supportive and concerned, but I just don’t have the guts to really tell him everything. (pun not intended)

I’m most concerned about colon cancer because my great grandma died from this and my grandma has had many bowel issues (obstructions,polyps,tumors,etc) throughout her life. I also am not willing to take prednisone or any other steroids, so I am worried what the next step will be for me.


Lialda- took this for 30 days and did not notice much improvement but plan to try another trial again soon now that my new insurance has kicked in

Metamucil- Just started this days ago and am seeing some improvement with more solid stool

written by Amanda

submitted in the colitis venting area

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