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6MP and Away We Go

Richele Lynn

me with my daughters!

Meet Richele Lynn:

Hi again! this is an update from my original story (Pooping Machine) I submitted about a month ago.
I was diagnosed with UC about 7 yrs ago. I went for my annual colonoscopy in October of this year and woah what a mess in there. ouch!

Just started taking 6mp a week ago, which is why I am updating my story.

Some More About Me:
My friends and family would (hopefully) say I am a kind, loving and person. I love to laugh and goof around. I often make really whacko faces and sometimes obscene gestures at myself in the mirror when I am having a bad day, or am feeling frustrated. Kind of cheers me up. I am a proud mommy of two beautiful girls (ages 6 and 9). They are the smartest, sweetest, silliest, most wonderful people I have ever known. They keep me alive.

CURRENTLY MY SYMPTOMS ARE…pretty much the same as always. occasional bleeding, urgency, gas, cramping, night sweats, super bad body aches, headaches, fever, nausea…uhhh…i think that about covers it. i don’t think I’ve ever experienced true remission for longer than six months.

6-MP 50 mg Today 75 mg Tomorrow

Ulcerative Colitis has changed my life in so many countless ways. It’s a stressful, bastard of a disease and is so debilitating! every time I leave the house I try to use the toilet a few times, or I won’t eat or drink anything beforehand. But as we all know, even on an empty stomach we can still let one go! I recently went on a field trip with my daughters fourth grade class to the state capitol, Lansing. I was so nervous the entire time, especially after lunch. i was terrified i was gonna need the bathroom and there wouldn’t be one nearby. I specifically told the kiddos teacher that I didn’t want to chaperone a bunch of kids, but would just tag a long. I’m glad I did because halfway through the trip, I was exhausted, anxious and needed to go home. My daughter was very understanding, but I’m sure she felt a bit disappointed. Same story with my youngest, field trip, cider mill. anxiety!

AS FAR AS MY DOCTOR probing my ass all the time, I guess I’ve gotten over that. The first couple of times were pretty embarrassing, but I like to think of myself as a colonoscopy pro these days. I’m fortunate to have a good doctor that I feel comfortable with. I can ask him any question and he knows all the gory details…so yay for him!

Right now I am most concerned about the risk of blowing out my colon with continued flares, year after year. I am so scared that my colon is going to perforate and I’ll need emergency surgery. Colon cancer scares me too, obviously. My doctor has stressed the urgency of getting my disease under control, and prescribed 6mp. I’ve been taking it for a week now, and so far the biggest issue I’m having is nausea, and loss of appetite. On top of that I got a stomach bug from my daughter this week, man that sure sets a UC’er back!

Although it is difficult to tell the difference between stomach flu and my usual day to day symptoms. I’ve lost a little bit more weight and have been finding it difficult to eat enough. Currently I am taking 50mg of 6mp and tomorrow I have to start taking 75mg. I hope the upped dose doesn’t cause more nausea!

Colitis Medicaitions:

list of meds…oh geez

Which brings me to my question for all of you…

I’d like to hear about side effects and experiences with 6mp. I’m talking time frame…how long did side effects last, when did they start? When did you notice it was working? or not? I’ve heard so much good, bad and ugly. Some of the horror stories were almost enough to make me NOT take it, but I figured i had to give it a shot. I’m at the end of my rope now with treatment. I’ve experienced some success with naturopathy, homeopathy, accupuncture, etc. but never long term. so, 6mp it is…for now.

written by Richele Lynn

submitted in the colitis venting area

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