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5 Year Old With Ulcerative Colitis


My daughter, age 5, has been having bloody diarrhea for 3 weeks now. We had a colonoscopy done last week and are waiting on the results from the biopsy. The Gastro doc thinks Ulcerative Colitis and after the hours that I have spent researching in books and on the web, I am pretty much convinced this will be the outcome. Of course I am upset, angry, confused, and many other emotions at this point but I am also ready to be completely aggressive in getting this thing figured out and solved for her. I made that promise to her and myself. I am looking for words of hope and encouragement that my beautiful, smart, and confident daughter will not be lost to this.

Colitis Symptoms:

She was prescribed Asacol? and is continuing to bleed 3-4 times a day.

My Baby Girl Has Ulcerative Colitis

My heart drops every time I look in the toilet. Thankfully she is in pretty good spirits and has only some stomach pain before using the bathroom, however she has started having headaches mostly in the morning and evening. I am unsure if this is from the blood loss or the medication.I am looking for words of encouragement. I would love to hear from other parents who have young children with this disease and what forms of treatment they have tried.

I keep reading about the SCD Diet and how it is almost a miracle of sorts. My worry is compliance at such a young age. My daughter is already the best eater out of my three small children. I know that I would have to put my entire family on the diet or at least a modified version and I worry about upsetting the rest of the household. In the end I know it would be well worth it and to be able to heal her without the use of intense medication with a broad range of side effects sounds very appealing, but i just wonder if I will have the patience and discipline to do this. I am still in shock that we are going through this. My daughter is such an outgoing, loving, bright girl and it literally makes me angry that something like this is happening to her. I hope in time i can feel more in control and assured that this will not beat us and that I won’t break down in tears when I am updating family members on her condition. Unfortunately I am not there yet.

written by Kristin

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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