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Ulcerative Colitis Flares

Signs Of Ulcerative Colitis Flares:

Figuring out what the common signs of your ulcerative colitis flares are is something that is very valuable.  Most people who have ulcerative colitis will at some point deal with the occasional flare up.  Whether it lasts for just a few days or weeks or even several months or even years is never known, but there are things that you can do to be prepared.

Prepare for your Colitis Flare:

Ending A Colitis Flare:

Like most things in medicine, ending an ulcerative colitis flare is not always super easy.  For some people, there flares leave as quick as they came.  But not always.  What is more common with ulcerative colitis is that people take a decent amount of time to completely get rid of their flare up symptoms.  This is normal.  Don’t worry if it is taking several weeks to come out of your UC flare.  What is more important is that you treat your body like it is in a semi-fragile state.  Don’t be trying to run any marathons when you are getting out of your flare up.  Try to continue to rest as much as you can.   The reality is that your body will probably be somewhat weak from all the changes in the colon, and it will need some time to work back into the pre-flare condition it was in before.

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