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UC and Breast Cancer – Why Me?


Diagnosed with UC 11 years ago during a stressful time in my life. Put on Asacol, which I took for several years. 5 years ago diagnosed with breast cancer and stopped taking the Asacol. Chemo, radiation lasting a year with reconstruction the following year. Soon after all of that I again began to have symptoms again and in the past 3 years have had 3 colonoscopys and tried Lialda, Apriso and now back to Asacol with a recent round of prednisone. Currently working with a GI doc to start on Humira.

Some more about me:

I love to travel and try not to let my medical problems get in the way. I feel as if I have overcome breast CA and intend to kick UC butt to. Just trying to figure out the best way to go about doing just that. Through this journey I have learned so much about people and am thankful for all that I have available to me. Last year I went on two mission trips. Haiti and Guatemala. I was so scared that I would have problems while traveling…but did not even in the slightest and oddly enough my poo has never been so formed…WOW, what a blessing since flushing is a problem in both of those countries.

I have 3 fantastic kids and 2 beautiful gran daughters with a grandson due in April. Also in April I will celebrate my 50 birthday. As you can see I have much to be thankful for.

Colitis Symptoms:

I’m currently having problems with loose stools and mucous, have not noticed much blood. Also joint pain…big time, fatigue, gas, stomach pain and bloating

Colitis and Breast Cancer

First of all breast cancer probably changed my life first and just when I was feeling comfortable BAM…UC is the next challenge. Chronic UC combined with a history of cancer has my docs concerned, as well as myself. So now surgery is being suggested or to try Humira? What to do, what to do? I’m currently on 3200 mg of Asacol, while im not seeing blood still having mucous and several bm a day. No acute flares so I wonder if I’m being premature in considering surgery or just putting off the inevitable by trying Humira. Has anyone else had these problems together or can offer any suggestions to try.

I think stress does play a very big part in this disease. When I was first diagnosed I was very stressed from living with an alcoholic husband and going thru a divorce. Fortunately I work in an office with a bathroom close by and my fellow employees understand when I come up missing. I always carry a spare pair of undies..not matter where I go…Ugh…it does get old. I thought once my kids were old enough I would be able to shed the big purse and just carry a such luck. HaHa.

While I do have a great support system it sure was alot easier to express my concerns with breast cancer than it will ever be to talk about UC. Most of my family don’t even know I have it. Just thinking that the colonoscopies are follow ups to the cancer. It is so embarrassing to have accidents and why is it that the you always have to go when you are in the back of the store and not in the front of the store close to the rest room?? Ugh.
I do have a great colo-rectal specialist who takes the time to listen to me and my concerns and I am eternally grateful for her.

I am mostly concerned about ulcerative colitis turning into colon cancer, especially with my history.

written by “Surviving”

submitted in the colitis venting area

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