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Thank You Ulcerative Colitis

11 year old with ulcerative colitis

a recent picture of Michelle’s daughter

I am a mom with a child with Ulcerative Colitis. I reside in Ross, Ohio in the United States. I spend my days ordering colostomy supplies, checking lab results and making doctor appointments.

Thank You Ulcerative Colitis

In late July and early August, we were in California on vacation. My eleven year old was enjoying Disneyland and swimming in the ocean at Venice Beach. By the middle of August, my daughter started having nausea and vomiting. Her doctor thought it was anxiety for starting a new school. She saw her doctor on Wednesday and was rushed to the hospital on Thursday when she collapsed at school and after two long weeks at the hospital was diagnosed with UC. They tried a steroid infusion but it didn’t work. My eleven year old had to have total colectomy and a temporary colostomy. But I just wanted to thank Ulcerative Colitis. I wanted to thank UC for taking my healthy child and making her sick. I want to thank my daughter’s immune system for attacking her large intestine so badly that she had to lose her large intestines. I wanted to thank UC that my daughter has to go through two more surgeries to reconstruct her small intestine to her new rectum and return her stoma to her small intestines. I wanted to thank UC for making me having sleepless nights for worrying about hemoglobin and iron levels. I wanted to thank UC for making me get up every night at 3am to check and make sure my eleven year old’s colostomy bag isn’t too full. I wanted to thank UC for making my eleven year old exhausted for going to the grocery store. I wanted to thank UC for all the days my child cries because life isn’t fair.

But most of all I want to thank UC for giving my child a purpose. Because she is determined to beat you and not let you take her joy. One day I will watch her swim in the ocean again and I will thank you Ulcerative Colitis for making me appreciate the little moments that I get to share with my child.

written by Michelle K

submitted in the Parent’s Venting Section -(to add your story, click here)

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