Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

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bob with ulcerative colitisIntroduction:

60 years old. Married with two grown children and a grandson. Currently work in the financial services industry after retiring from a law practice. Adjunct professor in political science at local University.

My Symptoms:

Severe joint pain on an almost daily basis. The pain started with a UC flare up 2 years ago.

My Story:

Diagnosed in my early 40’s with UC. Spent a summer with diarrhea and finally went to a friend of mine who is a Gastroenterologist. He was surprised at the diagnosis given my age, but here I am. At that time he said that my condition was a 2 on a 10 scale. Sulfasalazine controlled all bowel problems until about 3 years ago when I started having more frequent flare ups. Approximately 2 years ago I suffered a UC flare up and all hell broke loose. In addition to the bowel problems, i developed joint pain which became so severe I could hardly make it up a flight of stairs. They initially prescribed Imuran which almost killed me because it metabolized the wrong way and sent my liver into shock. They changed up to a combination of Asacol and Entocort which tempered the pain and put me in remission.

Prednisone is a no go because of the mood swings it gives me.

After 1 year on the drug combination of Entocort and Asacol I was referred to a Rheumatologist . I had gained 25 pounds and despite what I did the weight stayed on. The Rheumatologist immediately took me off the steroid. My pain immediately returned and we did Enbrel followed by Humira. I have been on Humira for 3 months now and it does not seem to work. When the pain gets real bad my family doc prescribes me oxycodone. This relieves most of the pain but makes me a zombie. I continue to work out as I have always been active, but recovery is a bitch. I try to follow a UC diet (no bread or pasta), but the pain persists. It is difficult if not impossible to talk to people about the pain. No one really understands so its easier to grin and bear it. I see the Rheummy tommorrow after 3 months on Humira. Don’t know what’s next.

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

Pain free. Could care less about the bowel problems.

Colitis Medications:

Sulfasalazine worked for years. The Asacol keeps the bowels in check. Narcotics are the only thing that relieve my pain at this point.

written by Bob

submitted in the colitis venting area

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