Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Statins and UC

veronica-d-fsMeet Veronica:

61 Female diagnosed with UC Jan 2011. Born and raised NYC. Work in the medical field (emergency medicine) but practice a more holistic approach to disease in my own life.

Some more about Veronica:

Passionate about Classical/Spanish and acoustic guitar and have been slowly learning how to play for past five years.

Colitis Symptoms:

Currently Im good!

Veronica’s Story:

Symptoms appeared soon after the sudden death of my dog in Aug of 2010, perhaps as a sidebar to the sadness that followed. I ignored these symptoms for as long as I could but by January the blood appeared and scared me straight to the doctor. Luckily I only had left sided disease and responded well to standard 4 grams of Mesalamine. I went on for several years with squigilly poops, occasional blood and cramping but thought this was normal and as long as i wasn’t making 20 trips to the bathroom I was okay with it. Despite being a clinician myself I am extremely resistant to taking medications. I refused all offers of Prednisone or other meds despite my doctor suggestion but did take the recommended Rowasa enemas after a bad flare 18 months ago and had immediate positive results. Have been in remission now for about a year. I am so grateful for this site even though I tend to visit only when feeling sick and ignore it when Im healthy. Thanks to Adam for bring us together as a community.

Question; So my lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides) results came back at the level of “your arteries are about to explode”. DR wanted to start a Statin drug but of course the first thing I do is look up its effects on UC and find 2 obscure studies that suggests it depletes CO Q 10 in the bowel and can exacerbate a flare. So I’m out! My GI doc says its ok but I’m still not feeling it.

Wanted to reach out to all of you to see if any UCers with high cholesterol has experience with taking a Statin and if they are having side effects or flares as a result.

Thanks all and be well

Medications / Treatments She’s Tried:

I follow a semi vegetarian diet – no mammals, eventually ill give up chicken and fish but for now these are still in my diet. No alcohol, limited sugars. Have not taken an NSAID since diagnosis in 2011. Meditation keeps me calm – stress is a certain exacerbator of my symptoms.

written by Veronica D

submitted in the colitis venting area

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