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Relief After 30 Years of Ulcerative Colitis – Vitamin D

Who is This 30 Year Colitis Veteran?

I am a 42 year old female; diagnosed at age 12. I’ve had numerous colonoscopies, oral steroids, enema steroids, daily shots of steriods, oral meds (Asacol, Lialda, Mesalazine) and various others. I’ve suffered all the nasty symptoms, missed school, work, important events due to Ulcerative Colitis. Fear of travel due flare ups, anxiety brought on by UC. And FEAR of antibiotics. That never ends well…

More importantly at age 40 I had a new MD appointment.  She ran a full scale panel on me, since the big 40. Tests showed extremely low (negative) readings of Vitamin D & B. She advised me to take vitamins (higher dose, straight off the shelf) with food.
Within a few months I noticed I didn’t have UC symptoms. I continued with my restricted diet, but slowly started reducing and stopped taking UC meds. This was my personal decision. I haven’t had a flare-up at all. I continue with the vitamins and a restricted diet, but I sometimes cheat with no issues.

After 30 years of UC I have finally found some relief. I can’t believe this seemed to help but it did for me and I wish someone would have told me this long ago.

Colitis Symptoms:

I currently have no symptoms at all. 2 years free of symptoms!

My Colitis Story:

As you may know, at first everything you eat bothers you. So I determined just not to eat – it was easier that way (I was 12). I would drink liquids but that was it. Of course it freaked my parents out tremendously. I dropped weight, but hey I didn’t have the bloat and constant running to the bathroom.

The doctor determined that I should use the enema steroids along with daily injections of steroids to bring the UC under control quickly. My dad had given his mother diabetes injections so he was the lucky winner to give me the shots. The liquid was so thick it would burn and slowly make its way into my system. Eventually I would have tears rolling down my face since it burned; so my doctor upped my dosage to try and stabilize it faster. In hindsight I don’t think they really had a firm grip on UC at least not for a 12 year old. Ultimately all the steroids and meds did what they were suppose to do (make my face swell) and gave me some limited relief.

It wasn’t very much fun and I felt like somehow it was never going to end. I was right! It never ends but as an adult you grow to see a different view that there are far worse things that could happen. And managing my little condition was just something I would have to do. Me and my shawdow UC – always with me.

Colitis Medications:

As stated above, I think the Vitamin D has help tremendously.

written by “40 Plus and Wiser”

submitted in the colitis venting area

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