Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Made in Scotland

Hey folks, I’m Dave, I’m 24 and I have UC!

At the beginning of 2010, I started to notice that I was needing the toilet more often and so decided to visit my GP. She believed it would probably be a virus or infection that would simply need flushing out so it was back to business as usual. Still the same but worse (with the introduction of the red stuff to the show). So I went back and got a blood test. Soon after the tests showed inflammation and I was referred to a sigmoidoscopy at the local hospital.

I had to wait 2 months for this procedure and I have to say, the wait didn’t do me the world of good. I continued to work without putting myself first and soon enough I suffered the consequences. After helping my dad move furniture at home I collapsed in absolute exhaustion. I went back to the doc’s to find I was anaemic. Great. And I had lost 1.5 stone in weight so my condition wasn’t what you would call brilliant.


The big day came! I had the sigmoidoscopy procedure and that,

along with the biopsy confirmed I had UC.

Soon I was on the mend, getting on the medication and getting my weight back up along with the blood count. Now I’ve been able to get back to a ‘normal’ life. If I had to pick out one big change in my life it is my view on drink. I might have the odd glass during big occassions but I hardly touch the stuff. I’m also open about UC to friends and family when they ask so it makes me more at ease.

The new condition is still a mystery to me but one that I’m constantly mindful of. However I’m learning all the time. I have to say, I’m glad I discovered this site as it will add to my research!

What I’ve learned, I’m not afraid to put my interests first and I would say that to those who do have it.


Do what makes you happy.


And in good health.

Colitis Medications:

I’ve always been on Pentasa from day one of treatment. I was on steroids to start off with, mainly to get my weight up but been off them for a long time. The tablet I’m on now is mercaptopurine. Seems odd as the instructions say not to take if you suffer from IBD. However, it’s doing the business and since I’ve been on it, the symptoms of UC have been very low.

written by DAVE

submitted in the colitis venting area

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