Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Life is So Much Better Today – In June I was Bleeding

Life is so much better today than it was in 4/12 when I was diagnosed with indeterminate UC; I had symptoms of both UC & Crohns. I got a 2nd opinion & a firm diagnosis of UC. I was bleeding profusely, terrified & stressed from not knowing what was wrong. After the diagnosis, I was prescribed 9-12 pills a day & told to go home & be prepared to take this the rest of my life. The gastro suggested a probitoic (which didn’t help). He never said a word about diet or anything else.

In June, I was bleeding in massive amounts & constipated beyond belief. I ‘feigned” heart attack symptoms (not entirely feigned), wound up in ICU. I’d taken cell phone photos of the bleeding & showed them to the ER doctor. While in ICU, I received prednisone, enemas, other things that stopped the bleeding almost immediately. When I got home, I went on line & discovered all kinds of things. I tried the Specific Carbohydrate Diet but found there were things on that diet I couldn’t handle.

After a month of just tuna fish because I was terrified to eat the wrong thing, I came up with my own diet. I stopped using all gluten, processed foods, diet drinks, & grains. Those were the biggies. There was an immediate improvement. I was still bleeding, but not as much. I didn’t lose weight until about 6 months on the diet, 20 pounds, but bloating diminished noticeably. Fast forward to February 2013. I had been reading about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), an “off brand” drug that had been found to be very helpful to many people. Because it’s off brand, most doctors will not prescribe. I found a Dr. of Naturopathy who prescribed, but she charged an arm & a leg & my insurance didn’t cover her or the drug. Recently, I found another source that is considerably less expensive. The bleeding topped almost immediately after starting LDN. I believe the Ulcerative Colitis is active but the outward symptoms are almost all gone. I had some thyroid problems around the same time I began the LDN. I refused to use the Synthroid & requested a dessicated thyroid drug. I think the MD gave it to me just to shut me up! I learned to became my own best advocate. I still stick to the diet I’ve established but I know that can change. I monitor my body closely. I know it better than any one. For now, there is a “happy ending” (for now).

This web site was very helpful to me at the onset of all the insanity because I knew every one here understood, even if they couldn’t “do it for me”. I got good information, support and encouragement & really appreciated it.

Thanks for being there.

Ann Smith

more about LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)

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