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Let Food Be Thy Medicine

3 years remission Tori Bowes

Tori Bowes - Naturopath


Hi, my name is Victoria. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2010. I have had two relapses and have now been symptom free for three years. I have made positive changes in my life – eating a clean wholefood diet, embraced green smoothies and detoxifying juices and used natural herbs and supplements when needed. Emotional well being is just as important as the health of your digestive system. I believe there is definately a link between holding onto negative beliefs and feelings of anger and resentment that can trigger attack of colitis.

Some more about me:

I am now a naturopath with special interest in digestion, detoxification and reproductive health. I live in Adelaide, South Australia. I’m a passionate foodie who loves celebrating life with good health.

Tori’s Story: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

UC has changed my life for the better. It was the wake up call that I needed to take control of my health and start the healing process.

Prior to the diagnosis I wasn’t health conscious. I would exercise every now and then, my diet was full of processed food and I had really high stress levels and was holding onto negaive emotions.

My symptoms progressively got worse and I was up 20 times a night with such urgency and pain rushing to the toilet. I lost weight, I was not absorbing my nutrients, I was feeling tired, fatigued and scared. I became worried about making it to the toilet and would always assess the toilet situation whenever I ventured out.

I found that education and support was lacking from the moment I was diagnosed. This led me to undertaking a Degree in Naturopathy. Here I learned about treating the whole body (mind, body, spirit and emotions). I discovered the healing properties of food and herbs and learnt how to address the cause rather than the symptoms.

I have a very supportive partner who has also cleaned up his diet dramatically and fully embraced a clean lifestyle. (Yes, that means swapping the dairy with nut milks and gluten/wheat for gluten free grains)

Supplements that I have found useful – boswellia and tumeric are very anti-inflammatory and have had great results in comparison to non-steroidal inflammatories such as Sulfaslazine. Glutamine, slippery elm and probiotics are essential to good gut health and soothing the digestive tract.

Diet – absolutely so important – often inflammation in the gut lining is caused by a weakened immune system and various food intolerances. If these foods are not eliminated from the diet then the body will continue to attack the lining of the intestines.

I would like to help others who have been diagnosed with UC, IBS, Crohn’s and anyone else that is having a tough time sorting out their digestive issues. Please feel free to look at my website

Treatment Ideas from Tori:

Herbs that were beneficial – boswellia, slippery elm, golden seal, tumeric, glutamine, pre and probiotics

Foods – initially I could tolerate fresh cold pressed juices because of the sugar content. Now I enjoy vegetable juices and green smoothies each day. Fermented foods such as kombucha and sauerkraut can work wonders at feeding the friendly bacteria in your gut.

Reduce or eliminate dairy (dramatic improvement)

written by Tori Bowes

submitted in the colitis venting area

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